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"So what's the plan?" Hermione asks but Hope just carries on up the stairs like a girl on a mission.

Hope gets to the top step and without warning she slams her foot into the metal door as hard as she can. The door flies off it's hinges and hits the wall on the opposite side of the room.

Her friends are all gasping behind her while their captors run into the room to see what all the commotion was about.

"Run!" Hope shouts and the kids all take off running in different directions to look for an escape.

Hope was looking round the huge house, well mansion, when she heard Hermione's whimper of pain. Hope turned back to run to the main room she came from and when she entered her friends and Draco were kneeling on the floor with multiple wands pointed at them.

Hope looked at the other people in the room and she felt uncomfortable when she recognised the youngest enemy in the room. Theo Nott. He was smirking at her with satisfaction and Hope looked away trying to think of a way to get them all out safely.

Theo walks over to Hope grabs her arm harshly and pushes her to the ground in the centre of the room by the others.

"Now that we're all here." A man who looks like Theo, presumably his father, announces loudly to room whilst glaring at Hope. "Son, can you identify that these are Potter and his lot."

Theo looks over at Harry with a sneer and a bit of confusion on his face but he can easily recognise its Harry.

"Yes. It's them. And you already know Draco." He said with a sneer down at the blonde who had pushed Hope behind him protectively.

"Ah. Yes, the traitors boy. Disgraceful." The man spits at Draco.

"So what are you going to do now?" Harry shouts at them drawing all the attention to him.

"Summon the dark lord. Have him kill you once and for all Potter." Nott Senior said with a smirk at them.

The Nott's and the snatchers begin discussing between each other quietly, taking their attention away from the kids on the floor.

"Did they take your wands?" Hope whispers quietly.

They all nod discreetly and Hope starts to plan their escape. "Do you know where they are?" She whispers.

"Greyback has them." Hermione whispers nodding towards the werewolf.

"Immobulus." Hope whispers and speeds over to the oblivious unmoving werewolf. The death eaters notice her moving but it's too late. She grabs the four wands from his cloak and throws them to her friends.

It's chaos after her friends caught their wands. There were spells flying everywhere destroying the room.

Hermione makes a big explosion giving them the opportunity to run. Before Hope gets to the door she feels a blinding pain go down her spine. Hope carries on running despite the pain and sudden dizziness she's feeling. They get outside but have no idea where to go.

"Call Dobby." Ron suddenly announces.

"Dobby!" Harry shouts and the unusual little elf appears before them. Hope begins to wobble where she's standing and Draco looks at her with concern.

"Harry Potter sir!" Dobby said happily.

Before anyone could say anything Hope fell to the ground groaning in pain.

"Hope!" Draco shouts as he and Hermione kneel down to check on her.

Hope looks at Harry and nods to Dobby to speed up the escape despite her pain.

"Dobby can you take us back to Grimmauld Place." Harry asks as the snatchers appear at the doorway.

Hermione and Draco grab hold of Hope so Dobby can teleport them away.

They all appear back at Grimmauld Place and Hope groans at the pressure on her back.

"My back." She mumbles to Hermione who turns to smaller girl on her side to inspect the damage.

Hermione gasps in shock at what she sees on Hope's back. The boys look over to see what Hermione saw and Harry and Ron took a step back at the gruesome sight, whilst Draco gently sat Hope up to try and ease the pain.

"What happened?" Ron asked looking slightly green.

"Something cut me before we got outside." Hope groaned feeling confused. "It should've healed by now." She started breathing heavily.

"Try and stay awake, Hope." Hermione commands as she sees the girls eyes fluttering.

"Turn her on her front." Hermione tells Draco who gently turns his girlfriend around in his arms so she's lying across his legs with her back upwards so Hermione can try healing her.

"Hope I'm going to cut the back of your shirt open, is that ok?" Hermione asks gently.

Hope nods weakly and feels cool air on her back as her shirt is ripped. Hermione begins casting spells to try and figure out what happened.

"It looks like she was cut with a knife, but as you said, you should've healed." Hermione said looking confused.

"Vervain." Hope whispered quietly.

Hermione gasped. "It was probably a poisoned knife, but still wouldn't you heal?"

"Vervain... slows the healing process, but not this much. Especially for me." Hope speaks quietly as she feels herself drifting in and out of consciousness.

"Hope! Hope!"  The others are shouting her name but she can't stop her eyes from closing.

"Granger. Can you help her?" Draco asks in desperation clinging on to Hope.

Before Hermione can say anything Dobby suddenly disappears and reappears with a letter in hand.

"What's that Dobby?" Harry asks.

"There was an owl outside Harry Potter sir. Dobby got the letter." Dobby hands the letter to Harry who reads it.

Hermione watches as a dark look appears in his eyes. "What is it Harry?" She asks worriedly.

"It was a cursed blade filled with dark magic. And vervain was embedded in it like Hope thought." Harry said darkly. "If the dark magic reaches her heart they're saying it will kill her." He said more quietly.

"No." Ron suddenly said with conviction. "She's Hope Mikaelson. She's hard to kill. And if she dies on us Ginny will kill us all before any death eaters can."

"Who wrote the letter? Have they said anything about a cure." Hermione asks.

"No. It's from Theo Nott." Harry growls.

Suddenly, Hope begins whimpering and shaking and they all see tears dripping out her eyes even though they're closed.

Hope woke up and it was dark around her, she looked around and saw that she was in a forest. A very familiar forest.

Just then she heard a crunch in the leaves and sticks and looked to the clearing in the trees where she heard the noise coming from.

A tall figure walked out from between the trees and Hope's eyes widened when she saw who it was.

"Dad." She whispered in shock.

Sorry for the cliffhanger😉
Next chapter Hope wakes up from a strange dream.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now