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"He wants to marry my daughter." Klaus exploded as he barged into Hayley's room.

Elijah and Hayley sighed and pulled away from the compromising position they were in that Klaus didn't even notice as he started angrily pacing the room. Hayley climbed off of Elijah who sat up and started buttoning his shirt up as he glared at his brother.

"Draco wants to marry Hope?" Hayley asked cheerfully.

"Don't sound so upset." Klaus said sarcastically.

"Well isn't that a good thing?" Hayley asked. "I thought you liked Draco."

"You don't understand!" Klaus snapped.

"She's my daughter too, of course I understand." Hayley rolled her eyes.

"Brother, why are you upset?" Elijah asked calmly. "He wouldn't hurt her. He's a good kid really and he knows what would happen if he did hurt her."

"They're eighteen." Klaus exclaimed loudly. "They shouldn't be getting married. I'm going to find Kol he'll agree with me and help me put an end to this madness." Klaus said childishly.

"I don't think he will." Hayley smirked.

"And why not?" Klaus demanded.

"Marcel told me that Kol let Draco know that he'd be happy to be the registrar for their wedding like he was for Freya and Keelin." Hayley explained.

"KOL!" Klaus roared and sped out the room.

Elijah pinched the bridge of his nose and went to shut the door and lock it so they wouldn't be disturbed again.


Hope and the others left the shop they were in and walked back to the Mystic Grill where the car was and got back in to go to the swimming hole. Unbeknownst to Hope and the others, there was somebody in the Mystic Grill looking out the window as he cleared a table and he immediately recognised Hope as she got in the car out front.

The drive to the swimming hole was just as traumatic for the other but Hope thought it went well, she was only messing with them by swerving across the road and laughing when Ron screamed.

"I thought you meant we'd go to a swimming pool." Hermione said looking at the open water.

"This will be more fun." Hope said as she slammed her foot onto the breaks at the edge of the forest so they could see the swimming hole.

They all got out the car and Hope smirked when she saw them all eyeing the open water anxiously, except for Ginny who looked excited.

"What if there's alligators?" Harry asked.

"Or spiders?" Ron cringed.

"There won't be spiders in the water you idiot." Ginny rolled her eyes.

Ginny grabbed the bag from the backseat with the swimming attire in and she threw the trunks at the boys and dragged Hope and Hermione over behind some trees to change.

"Ginny there's all bugs in my trunks now." Ron whined as he picked up the red swimming trunks he chose that landed on the ground where Ginny threw them.

"Weasley, you're not looking at my girlfriend are you?" Draco demanded when he saw Ron looking over at the trees.

"Of course not." Ron said flushing.

"You better not be." Draco threatened and Harry shook his head with a smirk on his face.

Hope looked at Hermione and Ginny and they all laughed as they started undressing.

"You've definitely turned me bisexual." Ginny grinned teasingly as she looked at Hope in the white bikini she chose. "We just need to get rid of Harry and Draco now."

Hermione was shaking her head in disbelief but she couldn't stop the grin spreading on her face.

"That's very tempting." Hope smirked looking at Ginny in a way that made the younger girl blush.

The girls looked over at the boys and saw them waiting impatiently close to the edge of the water.

"No." Hermione hissed when she saw the mischievous look on Hope's and Ginny's face. "Don't you dare."

"Come on, Mione." Hope grinned. "It'll be funny."

Hope and Ginny quietly approached the boys and then pushed them into the water.

The boys began screeching as they fell into the freezing water and they spluttered around from the surprise attack. Harry didn't appear from under the water for a few seconds so Draco and Ron yanked him up.

"I didn't do anything." Hermione declared as she came to stand next to the girls. "It was them."

"What a bunch of drama queens." Hope teased as the boys started shivering.

The others all snorted and looked at Hope pointedly.

"What?" Hope asked when she realised everyone was looking at her.

"Babe, I know I can be quite dramatic but not to your extent." Draco grinned up at her from where he was floating in the water.

"How am I a dramatic?" Hope asked looking scandalised.

"You punched Ron in the face for kissing Lavender." Harry said.

"You punched me in the face the first time we properly spoke." Draco said. "And threatened to murder Umbridge multiple times."

"You cut a guys hand off." Ron said.

"That's not me being dramatic." Hope exclaimed.

"Hope, we love you but you're a drama queen." Ginny smirked and hugged the olde girl. "Now, are we going in?"

"Yep." Hope said and pointed to the tree with steps drilled on and a rope. "Let's jump in."

"Guys, is it cold?" Ginny asked as Hope climbed up the tree and grabbed the rope. "I'm not going in." Ginny declared.

Hope jumped back onto the ground and quickly wrapped her arm around Ginny's waist and pulled her up the tree and grabbed the rope again and jumped into the swimming hole.

Ginny screamed as they landed in the water and Hermione quickly jumped in too.

Ginny screamed as they landed in the water and Hermione quickly jumped in too

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After spending a few hours in the swimming hole they got out and dried off and then Hope drove them back into town and they stopped off at the Mystic Grill to get a drink.

They were sat at a table talking when six familiar drinks were placed down in front of Hope and the others.

"Peanut butter blast. Whipped cream on the bottom." A voice said and Hope turned to look behind her with surprise.

"Landon." Hope smiled.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now