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Hope started running freely, allowing her mind to clear of all recent events that had been happening with her and friends and family.

The feeling of the ground beneath her paws was refreshing. Even in her wolf form, she had control of her thoughts so she tried to focus on the beautiful wildlife around her as she ran past trying to use up all of her energy and frustration.


Back at the Burrow a few hours earlier, Fred and George had told Klaus, Rebekah and Marcel about Grimmauld Place when they eavesdropped on them. The twins informed the three vampires that it was a secure place where only certain people could find when they had the right information. When they knew that, Klaus decided that it would be the safest place for their family to stay until they dealt with Mikael.

Molly contacted Sirius through the Floo to ask if they would be able to stay with them for some time. Sirius was extremely happy to have more people come to live with him, especially after his time in Azkaban he needed to constantly be surrounded by people to prevent the depressive thoughts coming to mind.

Once the arrangements were set; Draco went to his home to collect some things he might need, whilst Ginny took Klaus and Hope back to New Orleans. Rebekah and Marcel stayed at the Burrow, so Ginny wouldn't have to apparate with too many people and use too much energy. Klaus carried Hope up to her bedroom after they'd arrived and placed her on her bed gently. He'd told Ginny to wait with Hope and what Hope would need when she woke up. He knew Freya had some of the cure for Marcel's bite leftover and gave to Hope for precautions.

He left the room but smiled when he saw the red haired girl sit down next to his daughter and hold her hand.

"Elijah!" Klaus shouted when he was outside his brothers room. He didn't want to barge in and interrupt another moment between Elijah and Hayley or he truly would lose his sanity. "Hayley! Both of you get out here, now!"

The door opened and Elijah and Hayley stepped out of the room. Hayley and Elijah assumed that Rebekah and Marcel would have returned also; but by the look on Klaus's face, something had seriously gone wrong.

"Is Marcel okay?" Hayley asked with concern when she saw Klaus's tense expression.

"Other than feeding from our daughter, he's fine." Klaus scoffed. "But that doesn't matter now. We have bigger problems at the minute, as usual."

"And is Hope okay?" Hayley asked tensely, interrupting Klaus before he could continue.

"She'll be fine. I've told that Ginny girl what to do when Hope wakes up." Klaus explained.

"Can we backtrack for a minute?" Elijah asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose in thought. "Why would Marcellus attack Hope?"

"He didn't want to. Mikael compelled him to kill her, but he used one of my tricks and spoke to her mind as he fed from her." Klaus explained. "Marcel wanted to warn her so she was prepared when she woke up. Mikael and that siphon witch made some kind of serum and were planning to put it in Hope... and I don't know if they did or not. So, we need to see how she is when she wakes."

"What are we going to do?" Hayley asked.

"We're going to check the dungeons...because if Mikael's stupid mind tricks were somewhat true, then Aurora is dead." Klaus told them.

"You mean she's now like Marcel?" Hayley demanded angrily. "Is she still in the dungeon?"

"I don't know." Klaus hissed quietly, trying not to be too loud and cause Ginny to hear them. "But I think she's dead dead. Marcel going missing was just a set up, it was a distraction to get us all out of here searching for him."

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now