55|Burning Sage

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"Dad, we can't just run away and hide." Hope said defiantly.

"That's what my siblings and I had to do for centuries, so if we have to do that again, that's what we'll do." Klaus said firmly. "Mikael won't stop. So we need to leave."

"But what about Marcel?" Hope demanded. "We have to save him."

"What do you think I'm trying to do, Hope? Now, you will come willingly or I'll have Freya bind you to the compound when she comes back." Klaus threatened.

Long story short, Draco apparated them all back to New Orleans after receiving a terrifying glare from his girlfriend's father.

"Now, I'm going to get Freya back here, so could you please ring Kol? We all need to be here." Klaus said and turned to start heading upstairs but then turned back around and pointed at Hope. "And if I so much as hear any mention of you trying or planning to leave, you'll be grounded until you're 25."

Klaus disappeared, after sending Draco another threatening look, to try and get in contact with Freya.

Hope took one look at the stairs and the gateway and Draco knew exactly what she was planning. He grabbed her arm before she even moved.

"Don't even think about it." Draco scolded. "Your dad will literally murder me."

"You're no fun." Hope pouted.

"And you're still covered in blood, that might cause a scene." Draco smirked and used his thumb to wipe away some of the blood along the edge of her mouth.

Hope's tongue automatically flicked out and she licked the blood off his thumb. She grabbed his hand and they started walking up to her bedroom.

On their way, a door opened and Hayley and Elijah stepped out of their room.

"What time is it?" Hayley asked as she rubbed her eyes but then she noticed her daughter was there. "Baby girl? What's happened and why is Klaus shouting? Is that blood?"

Hope focused her hearing and could hear her father explaining the situation to Freya. His voice was gradually getting louder, to the point that even Draco could hear him and winced slightly.

"Mikael's alive?" Elijah asked turning slightly pale, knowing that this could cause Klaus to start acting erratically and possibly do something that would cause an uproar.

"Yeah, Lizzie and Josie's uncle apparently brought him back. I don't know how he did it though, and we can't exactly ask him now." Hope said. "Dad said I had to stay here or he'd ground me till I was 25."

"I'll talk to him." Hayley said with a small smile.

When Hayley and Elijah went back into their room, Hope and Draco went to her room. When they were inside, Hope pulled her bloody t shirt over her head and dropped it to the ground after kicking her shoes off, leaving her in her black bra and jeans. When she pushed Draco to sit down on her bed, his hands instinctively went out to grab her as she sat on his lap, straddling him, with her phone in her hand. She teasingly adjusted herself on his lap and smirked when she felt his erection dig into her leg as he groaned.

"Patience, darling." Hope teased and ran her one hand up his thigh as she phoned Kol with the other.

"Ah, my beautiful niece." Kol greeted after answering after a few rings. "How can I help you at... three in the morning?"

"Sorry, Uncle Kol. You and Davina need to come home, like as soon as you can." Hope said. "We've got a bit of a problem. Well a rather big problem."

"What, may I ask, has my brother done now?" Kol asked sounding amused.

"What's happening?"

Hope heard Davina's tired voice overlapping Kol as she must have just been waking up.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now