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"Who is this?" Draco hissed from beside Hope.

"I'm Landon." Landon smiled at the others but Draco glared at him.

"Yes, I heard that but how do you know Hope?" Draco demanded.

"Calm down." Hope whispered and grabbed Draco's hand under the table.

"Hello, Landon." Hermione said kindly feeling bad for the boy being glared at. "I'm Hermione."

"Mmm. This is really good." Ron said as he drank the milkshake that was put in front of him. "Can I get another?" Ron asked whilst slurping the last bit of milkshake through the straw.

"Hope, could we talk?" Landon asked looking nervous as he eyed her friends suspiciously. "Alone?"

"No." Draco replied harshly before Hope could say anything.

"We can talk here." Hope said smiling at Landon apologetically.

"Oh, do they know about..." Landon mumbled uncomfortably.

"About what?" Hope asked.

"Kirby." A man from the bar hissed at Landon. "Get back to work."

"I've been at the Salvatore School." Landon said as a way of showing his meaning without mentioning the supernatural in case Hope's friends didn't know.

"Really?" Hope asked in surprise. "You can talk about that in front of them, if that's what you meant. I thought you were human."

"So did I." Landon grinned. "Then I grew fire wings."

Ginny was in the middle of drinking her milkshake then she snorted when she heard what Landon said and she spat milkshake everywhere all over the table.

"Ginny!" Harry and Hermione hissed looking embarrassed.

"I'm sorry." Ginny said as Landon began cleaning the table.

"It's fine." Landon smiled at the blushing red head.

Harry started glaring Landon then and wrapped his arm around Ginny.

"Where've you been?" Landon asked directing the question at Hope. "I asked about you when I heard mentions of your name. Dr Saltzman misses you."

Hope smiled thinking about her old headmaster who was always supportive of her.

"And the twins." Landon said.

"You're joking, right?" Hope snorted. "We were never on the best of terms. And then there was the fire."

"You should probably visit the school if you're gonna be around. There was a bit of a misunderstanding." Landon said.

"So, what's this about fire wings?" Hermione demanded wanting to learn something new.

"Oh, well, I'm a Phoenix." Landon announced then went back to serving another table after his boss shouted at him again.

"I don't like him." Draco whined when the curly haired boy walked away from their table.

Hope rolled her eyes playfully and moved to sit on Draco's lap. Hope ran her hands through her boyfriends hair ignoring Ron's complaining and spluttering.

"Don't get jealous." Hope teased.

"I'm not jealous." Draco scoffed as he grabbed Hope's waist.

"Can we go." Ron asked Hermione. "They're embarrassing me."

"Grow up, Ron." Ginny smirked at her brother. "Surely, you and Hermione have kissed since during the battle."

Ron just starts spluttering again unable to get any words out.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now