50|Josie's Forgotten Warning

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After Draco voiced his proposition, and waved his wand to light a candle on the table so they could see each other, their hands were all over each other.

Hope flipped them over so she was on top, straddling his waist and she started pulling her dress over her head and he started unbuttoning his shirt quickly.

Hope roughly attached her lips to his once her dress was discarded on the floor and bit down harshly making him groan appreciatively as he pushed his tongue in her mouth. His hands reached up to undo her bra as she began trailing rough bites down his neck.

"You have a thing for biting, I think." Draco smirked up at her confidently.

Hope pulled back and looked him in the eyes as hers turned golden as she grinned back at him, showing off her fangs which made Draco groan.

"As do you, it seems." She smirked and leaned back down and scraped her elongated teeth down his neck causing him shiver with pleasure as she started removing his trousers.

Hope playfully trailed her fingers up his legs slowly, smirking as his eyes darkened with lust.

"Tease." He murmured and grabbed her by the hips, once his trousers joined her dress on the floor, his long fingers digging into her skin, and flipped them again. In rapid motion he'd removed both their underwear and he thrust inside her without warning.

"Fuck." Hope moaned and wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him closer to her as they thrust their hips together in sync.

Draco grabbed her jaw and pulled her up sharply and attacked her mouth.

"Why do I need to come with you?"

Hope's eyes widened when she heard a voice getting close.

"Harry." Hope tried to say calmly but it came out as a moan as she felt immense pleasure and Draco instantly stopped moving and looked angrily down at her.

"What the fuck." He hissed angrily looking betrayed.

"No!" Hope hissed. "He's coming downstairs." She whispered.

"You know if I go on my own I'll end up catching them in the act most likely." Ron said as he and Harry started walking down the stairs.

Draco smirked mischievously as he pushed her back down and leaned close to her ear.

"You'll just have to be a good girl, and not make a sound." He whispered in her ear.

Fortunately for Ron's well being, Hope basically mutilated Draco's neck in order try and stay silent, making Ron unaware of what was happening as he and Harry walked past the sofa to get to the kitchen.


Hope woke early the next morning when she heard her phone vibrating. Having superior senses isn't always a good thing in cases like that. She groggily rubbed her eyes and grabbed her phone from on the table by the Weasley's sofa. It was then that Hope noticed Draco wasn't on the sofa with her anymore, she focused her hearing but she couldn't hear him.

Hope looked back at her phone and saw that it was Josie ringing.

"Hey, Jo." Hope said sleepily as she sat up.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now