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Hope and Draco look around for the others, Hope smirks when she sees Ron and Hermione playing the piano together.

They find Harry messing with the snitch that he was given from Dumbledore's will.

Hope and Draco sit down as Hermione walks over to them. "They have flesh memories." Hermione said.

"When Scrimgeour first gave it to you, I thought it might open at your touch..." she trails off in thought. "That Dumbledore had hidden something inside it."

The static noise grows louder as Ron listens to the radio but they still hear the banging noises over it.

All of them but Ron leave the room hoping that it is Kreacher returning.

They find Kreacher and another house elf latched onto Mundungus dragging him into the kitchen.

They find Kreacher and another house elf latched onto Mundungus dragging him into the kitchen

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"Get off." Mundungus' voice comes out all muffled.

"Harry Potter... so long it's been!" The elf holding the mans leg said happily.

"Get off me!" Mundungus shouts.

"As requested, Kreacher has returned with the thief." Kreacher said proudly.

"Expelliarmus!" Hermione shouts and Mundungus's wand lands in her hand.

"What you playing at? Setting a pair of bleeding house elves onto me?" He asks edging round the table.

Hope and Draco stand at the other side of the table so the man can't escape.

"Dobby was only trying to help." The other elf said as he stood on a chair to get on the table.

"Dobby saw Kreacher in Diagon Alley, which Dobby though was curious, a-and then Dobby heard Kreacher mention Harry Potter's name." Dobby started as Ron stood in the doorway.

"I had to..." Mundungus tried to explain.

"And then Dobby saw Kreacher talking with the thief, Mundungus..."

"I'm no thief!" Mundungus shouted. "You foul, little..." he went to lunge at Dobby but stayed back after a look from Harry. "Git." He finished lamely.

"I'm a purveyor of... rare and wondrous objects." Mundungus tried to defend himself.

"You're a thief, Dung. Everyone knows it." Ron said loudly walking into the room.

"Master Weasley... So good to see you again." Dobby said happily and grabbed Ron's hand when he held it out to the elf.

"Wicked trainers." Ron smiled at the house elf who looked down at his shoes proudly.

Hope noticed Draco looking at the unique elf with something like pride in his eyes. When Hope looked at him questioningly he smiled. "Dobby used to be my family's house elf." Draco said and that's when Dobby saw Draco for the first time.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now