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As soon as Marcel's fangs pierced the skin of her neck she felt his venom enter her system immediately, but before she started struggling again she realised she was starting to hear his voice in her head speaking to her so she focused on his desperate voice as she was plunged into darkness.

"Hope, I'm sorry. But you need to listen to me. Mikael was planning to put some kind of serum in you, but not like the one I've taken. That witch he has with him, killed me again before I could hear everything. But I did hear that I'd be found after they'd finished their plan so they've achieved whatever they wanted to do to you. They said only your blood would wake me up and Mikael compelled me to kill you. Something is going to happen when you wake back up, so I had to warn you."

After Marcel finished speaking to her through the mind link, Hope felt his fangs retract from her neck and barely heard the angry and upset gasps from the doorway.


"So, what's been happening with Hope's grandfather?" Ginny asked Draco after Hope went upstairs to check on Marcel's condition.

"You know the party here the other day?" Draco asked and when he received nods of the head in remembrance from the Weasley teens, he continued. "That night I kind of went into your garden and met him... and he compelled me to forget what I did."

"What did you do?" Ron asked looking intrigued.

"Obliviated Hope and-"

Draco just managed to duck out of the way of Ginny, who jumped up from the couch where she was sat in between George and Fred, as she tried to slap him or throttle him or just inflict some kind of pain on him.

"Ginny!" The three Weasley boys cried in surprise.

Fred and George grabbed one of her arms each and pulled her back down to sit between them, despite her squirming away from them with the intent to murder Draco. Ginny finally gave up with a huff of annoyance when she realised she'd left her wand in her bedroom so she couldn't perform her famous Bat Bogey Hex that everyone feared.

"It's not like I wanted to do it, or had a choice." Draco said with his hands held up in surrender towards the angry girl.

"You can let me go now." Ginny told the twins.

They reluctantly let go of her arms that they kept hold of just to make sure she didn't jump at Draco again. Honestly, they should have expected that to happen as they all knew how much Ginny adored Hope. The boys all looked at Ginny for a minute to make sure she wasn't going to do something like that again.

"Carry on." Ginny commanded Draco once she was calm and waiting expectantly for him to continue the story so she could know what happened.

"So I obliviated myself as well so I didn't know what I did. Hope's memories returned at one point and she showed me and that made me remember and, Merlin, I thought I was going to die when my memories came back. It was really painful."

Ginny rolled her eyes at Draco's dramatics, but she was secretly thinking that made him perfect for Hope.

"Anyway her grandfather turned up at my house and shattered the windows. Just wait until my father hears about that." Draco said and muttered the last part under his breath. "So we were ready to apparate to go and get Hope's father, but Hope being Hope obviously threw herself into danger and I had to try and explain what happened to her dad on my own."

"You should've expected that." Ron told Draco.

"Yeah, I know." Draco groaned. "So I bring him to my house and then a few minutes later Hope comes running back inside covered in blood crying saying she killed Marcel."

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now