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A few hours earlier whilst Hope was at the Salvatore school, Klaus and Elijah were finalising their plan. Elijah had told Hayley about Klaus's plan and she found it absolutely hilarious.

"What does he think it will achieve?" Hayley asked between her giggles as she fell back on her bed.

"It's his final test to see whether Draco's good enough for your daughter." Elijah said and rolled his eyes playfully and sat next to her.

"He likes Draco." Hayley smirked. "He just won't admit it."

"Oh, I know that. We'll just let him go through with his brilliant idea." Elijah said sarcastically.

"I'm going out with Rebekah tonight." Hayley grinned. "We'll be back later for clean up duty."

Their door flew open and Klaus marched in looking pleased and excited.

"Are you ready?" Klaus asked. "Hope texted me a while ago when they left the school. They should be back soon."

"Niklaus, this isn't going to end well, I assure you brother." Elijah sighed.

"I agree." Hayley smirked.

"I told you not to tell anyone our plan." Klaus scolded his older brother. "We want it to seem real."

"There's no 'we' about this ridiculous plan. I wanted nothing to do with it." Elijah exclaimed making Hayley snort in amusement.

"Don't worry, Klaus." Hayley grinned. "I won't be here, so you can have your little fight."

"This will all be worth it, you'll both see." Klaus growled and left the room.

Elijah sighed and dropped onto the bed like Hayley did before and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Good luck with him." Hayley smirked and climbed on top of him and leant down to kiss him.


Rebekah and Hayley were just about to leave to go to Rousseau's when she had a feeling something was going on that she was unaware of.

"What's going on, Nik?" Rebekah asked when she noticed the strange looks he sent to Hayley and Elijah.

"Nothing." Klaus smirked and pulled Rebekah into a hug. "Go have fun, little sister."

"I'll tell you later." Hayley said to Rebekah.

"Fine." Rebekah groaned. "But if Marcel knows whatever secret you all have and hasn't told me, I'm snapping his neck."

Rebekah flipped her hair over her shoulder then left the compound. Hayley followed behind her best friend with a grin on her face.

"Elijah, I know you don't think this will work." Klaus said understandingly. "But I think this will actually be good for us."

"Why?" Elijah asked genuinely curious.

"Think of it as a stress or anger relieving exercise." Klaus grinned. "We can let out all of our frustrations from the last thousand years."

"I'm gonna kill MG if I ever see him again."

Both brothers froze when they heard Hope's voice, she didn't sound very far away.

"Game on, brother." Klaus smirked deviously and then lunged at Elijah and threw him across the room.

"Game on, indeed." Elijah smirked back as he jumped to his feet.

Elijah kicked a chair and it broke apart, he grabbed part of the chair and threw it at Klaus. The wooden piece of the chair imbedded in Klaus's shoulder deeply making him hiss.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now