05|Severus Snape

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Hope was dragged into the Black family library and pushed through the door harshly, she stumbled but managed to catch her balance.

Snape closes the door and utters a spell to lock the door and he turns to look at Hope. He stalks closer to her and she takes a step back for each he takes foreword.

Hope is forced back into a wall and Severus stops just inches in front of her and he can look down at her.

Before Severus can even begin talking Hope is on him. "Who are you and why did you attack me like that, i could've killed you." Hope scolds Severus who looks at her with shock.

Hope notices the blood on his face from his now broken nose and feels a bit guilty.

"Here." She said gently and cast a spell to heal his nose. Severus groaned at the feeling.

"Thank you." He said with a small smile.

"Anyway, my name is Severus Snape. I'm the potions master at Hogwarts." He tells her.

"Okay. So what did you need to tell me at like 1 in the morning?" She asks him in annoyance.

"Watch your tone Miss Mikaelson." He snapped. "And call me professor or sir." He commands the girl.

"Not until you've actually taught me something." She snaps back.

Severus breathes out harshly and tries to calm himself so he doesn't shout at the young girl.

"The headmaster has asked me to... mentor you." He said trying to find the right word to use.

"No thanks." Hope said and tried to walk out the room but Snape grabs her wrist before she can.

"You don't have a choice girl! The headmaster wants me to make sure you don't turn to the dark." He snaps at her.

"A bit too late for that." She mumbles to herself but he heard and looked at her for an explanation.

When she gives no explanation he looks her in the eyes and tries to subtly use Legilimency to look in her mind. She realises he's trying to do something so tries to pull her arm out of his grasp.

Snape manages to get a glimpse of some of the horrible experiences she's had through her life, when  her hand collides with the side of his face.

Hope was breathing heavily. She tries so hard to forget those memories and when he looked in her mind she had to go through them again.

Snape looked up and was about to scream at the girl but he saw tears in her eyes and he instantly felt guilty for making her relive her worst memories.

Snape looked up and was about to scream at the girl but he saw tears in her eyes and he instantly felt guilty for making her relive her worst memories

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Hope looks at him one more time then runs out the room with tears streaming down her face

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Hope looks at him one more time then runs out the room with tears streaming down her face. Snape doesn't stop her this time and lets her go calm down.

Hope runs up to the room she shares with Hermione and Ginny and she peaks inside to check if they woke up. When she sees they are both asleep she gets into her bed and instantly falls asleep.

A sleep filled with nightmares about her parents.

She wakes up the next morning to Ginny gently shaking her. Hope can see the concern in the younger girls eyes and she wonders if she made any noise in her sleep to indicate her nightmares.

"Mum says breakfast is ready, so come down when you're ready." Ginny told her gently and walks out the room.

Hope gets dressed and goes downstairs to find a table full of food. Arthur and Harry left early that morning to go to the ministry for Harry's hearing.

Hope sits down in an empty space next to Remus which is unfortunately opposite Snape, who is still at Grimmauld place.

"Are you okay, Hope?" Sirius asks when he sees the girl glance nervously at the potions Professor.

"I'm fine." She assures him with a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes. Sirius looks to Remus who looks like he also doesn't believe the girl.

Sirius and Remus both feel very protective of the young girl that they've only know for a few days.

Sirius silently glares at the potions master thinking he did something to hurt the girl.

Sirius decides to confront Snape when the kids start leaving after breakfast. Hope is half way out the door way when she stops to listen to what Sirius is saying. Ron and the girls notice Hope isn't following and turn to see her listening to something. Ron opens his mouth to speak but Hope puts her finger over her lip telling him to be quiet.

They join Hope in the door way to listen to what's happening.

Sirius stands up when the kids leave the room and he turns angrily to face Snape.

"What did you do to her last night?" Sirius demands sharply and Hope gasps realising he is talking about her.

"I didn't do anything, Black." He grits out in frustration and goes to leave the room when Sirius grabs him roughly by the scruff of his shirt and pushes him into the table.

"Sirius!" Remus warns his best friend.

"Be quiet Remus! He's clearly scared Hope. She looked terrified just now." Sirius tells his friend.

Snape grabs Sirius's arms and pushes the man and he falls to the ground not expecting the push.

Snape gets his wand out and points it at the growling man on the floor. "I didn't do anything." He says lowly and leaves the room.

Hope and the others don't move in time and Snape sees them all gathered round the door eavesdropping.

He looks at Hope for a second then walks away swiftly without saying anything.

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