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Draco caught hope as she fell but then Klaus pulled her into his arms and held her protectively as her family surrounded them.

All of the Hogwarts students and professors seemed to notice the gathering of some unfamiliar people and came to see what was happening.

Klaus carried his daughters body into the school so he could find somewhere to lie her down until she awakens.

Draco and the Mikaelson's followed Klaus into the school.

"Mr... um... sir." Draco trailed after Klaus nervously stuttering as he was unsure what to call him.

Elijah and Finn Mikaelson chuckled as they saw this boy so nervous around their little brother.

"Call me Klaus." Klaus said to Draco as he carried on walking.

"Um... Klaus. I was j-just going to say we could go to the Slytherin common room." Draco stuttered nervously.

"Lead the way then, Draco." Klaus commanded.

Draco nearly trips over his feet in nervousness but he starts leading Hope's family to the Slytherin common room so they can put her somewhere safe until she wakes up.

Narcissa and Lucius find them on the way and Narcissa is in tears as she wraps her arms around her soon.

"You chose a good one." Narcissa whispers to her son.


"Fred!" George Weasley shouted and he ran to envelop his twin in his arms. "I don't understand."

The rest of the Weasley's ran over to embrace their brother/son.

"How is this possible?" Molly asks.

Harry and Hermione came to find Ron and they saw him embracing his 'dead' brother and they were confused. That's when Harry noticed the his mother and father stood to the side. Harry hesitated but then he slowly walked over to them nervously and Lily wrapped her arms around him tightly and hugged him until he couldn't breathe.

"Ease up, Lil's, we don't want to kill him after finally meeting our son." James Potter teased his wife who released her son to smack her husband in the chest.

"Dad." Harry said and then James copies his wife's actions and held his son in his arms.

"How?" Hermione's voice asks from behind them.

"It was Hope, I don't how but she did it." Harry said.

"Where is she?" Ginny asks when she notices the absence of her best friend. "Is she okay?"

"She brought her family back too, and Malfoy." Fred explained from in the middle of the group of people.

Harry, Hermione and the Weasley's look around but they can't see Hope, Draco or any of her family around.

"Prongs!" Two voices screamed and everyone looked over to see Sirius Black and Remus Lupin running over.

Remus got to the group first as Sirius tripped over some rubble and face planted the ground. Remus threw his arms around James who squeezed his arms around his friend.

Remus moved to hug Lily when Sirius walked over so the two 'brothers' could have a moment together.

"We need to find Hope, I need to thank her." Harry said drawing everyone's attention to him.

Everyone agreed and they all went on a search for Hope Mikaelson.


Draco was sat at one of the tables in his common room with his parents explaining how his girlfriend brought everyone back to life. Narcissa and Lucius were impressed with their hopefully future daughter in laws magical abilities and strength.

Hayley and Klaus sat by their daughters side the whole time as they lay her on a sofa. Hayley was stroking Hope's hair gently and Klaus was squeezing her hand.

"She will wake up, won't she?" Hayley asked anxiously.

"Of course she will!" Klaus snaps.

"If she's anything like her father." Finn said with a kind grin from behind them. "Then she won't be dying anytime soon."


"Parkinson!" Harry shouted as he saw Pansy and Blaise walking through the corridor they were all in.

"Yes, Potter." Pansy asked.

"Do you know where Hope is?"

"We were going to look in the Slytherin common room to see if Draco took her there." Pansy said. "You can come look."

Pansy and Blaise led Harry and his small group to the Slytherin dorms. Pansy said the password and they all looked inside and found the people they were looking for.

"Hope!" Ginny shouted and pushed to the front of the group of people but she stopped when she saw her best friend unconscious. "What's wrong?" Ginny was nervous when she saw the dried blood from under Hope's nose.

"She's just drained." Hayley explained kindly. "She'll wake up soon."

"What's everyone doing here?" Klaus asked loudly. "I don't want my daughter bombarded when she wakes up."

"I just wanted to thank her." Harry said awkwardly.

"You can all stay if you're silent." Hayley said quickly when she saw Klaus was about to shout.

All the adults went to sit by the Malfoy seniors, and Draco went to sit on one of the other sofas and the kids crowded around him.

Everyone sits in the room silently.

The first noise they hear after a couple of hours is the sharp gasp from Hope Mikaelson as she sits up quickly and holds her head in pain.

"Hope." Klaus said gently as he grabbed his daughters hand.

"Dad?" She asked confused and she reaches out to touch his cheek to feel that he's real.

Then Hope noticed the other figure sat on the floor by her father. "Mum?"

"Hey, baby." Hayley has tears in her eyes as she embraced her daughter properly for the first time in years.

After reuniting with her family and meeting her uncle Finn who she never knew she noticed the other people in the room.

"Where are we?" Hope asks confused.

"The Slytherin common room." Draco said as he came to sit by Hope on the sofa.

Everyone feels worried when there's no recognition in Hope's eyes, she just she seems confused.

Draco reaches out to touch her cheek but she flinches back from him.

"Who are you?" Hope asked nervously feeling uncomfortable with all the unfamiliar eyes on her.


So we're near the end now but there's still more to come😁

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The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now