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Hope had been very confused since the night after the party. She'd had a very bad feeling and when Hope had one of her feelings something was bound to happen.

Hope and Draco arrived back at Malfoy Manor and found that it was empty. Lucius left them a note saying they were on another important business trip for something or another.

"What is it?" Hope asked when she saw the sadness in Draco's eyes that he tried to hide.

"Father's off on another business trip." Draco glowered as they walked up to his bedroom. "As usual."

"Do they usually go away a lot?" Hope asked as he pulled her to lie down on his bed with him.

Whenever Hope and Draco spoke of their childhoods, she noticed he was reluctant a lot of the time and preferred to talk about her childhood and family. But over their time together, Hope managed to get things out of him, but she never pushed him too much.

"They'd go away a lot of when I was young." He said as he wrapped his arms around her.

"Without you?" She asked gently.

"I'd sometimes go stay with Severus." He admitted. "Or Dobby would look after me."

"Do you still want to get a job like his?" Hope asked as she ran her fingers up and down his back gently.

"No." He said. "I wouldn't want to leave our son alone. Ever."

Hope froze for a minute and then she smiled into his chest.

"You want a baby?" She asked him.

"One day." He said and rolled over so she was on top of him, and his hands gripped her waist.

"Son?" Hope asked teasingly and leaned her head down on his chest. "What if we had a girl?"

"It's the Malfoy genes." He explained with a smug grin, stroking her hair. "We always have sons."

"Well, I'm an exception to everything normal. Maybe I'll change that too. But I don't even know if I can have kids anymore, with the whole being a vampire thing." She frowned.

"Maybe, but your dad had you, and he became a vampire, what, like a million years ago?" He chuckled.

"1000 years, but I get your point." She smirked. "But there's probably a 90% chance that I can't have kids."

"I might have a fix for that little problem." He said.

Hope looked at him in confusion, questioning him with her eyes. Draco just winked at her and rolled them over so he could get off the bed and look for something in his room.

"I just need to find it." He said and began moving things around.

"What is it?" Hope asked and sat up.

"It's a surprise."

"I don't like surprises." Hope told him with a pout.

"This is a good surprise." He smirked over his shoulder at her.

Draco ran his hand through his hair as he tried to think where he put it. Draco crouched down by the bed and reached a hand underneath feeling around for the item he's looking for.

"Got it." Draco cheered as he finally grabbed what he was looking for.

He held it out to Hope who was sat above him on the bed. Hope grabbed them small vile and looked at it in confusion.

"Is that blood?" She asked even though she knew it was.

"Yeah." Draco grinned as he rested his head on her thighs.

The Tribrid and Her Snake; Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now