♡ ꜱɴᴏᴡʏ ɢᴇᴛᴀᴡᴀʏ (ᴘᴛ. ᴛᴡᴏ) - ᴡɪɴᴛᴇʀ ᴡᴏᴏᴅꜱ || ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ ɢᴀɴɢ ♡

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"It's time to wake up," Barbatos' voice awakens you. "Diavolo would like to see you all downstairs soon."

Begrudgingly opening your eyes, you sit up, barely awake, and almost ready to collapse onto the bed again. Looking to the left, you see that Beel's already up, changing out of his sleepwear and into his winter clothes. To make yourself feel less behind schedule, you turn to the right and look at Belphie, who's still snoring away and nowhere near waking up anytime soon.

"(MC), you can go get ready first. I'll wake Belphie up," Beel's rich and deep morning voice is enough to fuel you with the energy you need to walk yourself to the bathroom.

Behind you, you can hear Beel struggling and Belphie grumbling as he gets pulled out of his comfortable position.

Dragging yourself up to the sink and looking into the mirror, you frown as you see your bed hair and decide to start your routine with another hot shower. As the steaming water hits your skin, the freezing feeling that once crawled over your body is washed away. Getting out of the shower is going to be more difficult than you thought.

Later that morning...

By the time you and Belphie get downstairs, breakfast is almost over. Beelzebub had left you two earlier after his stomach couldn't contain itself anymore. As soon as Belphegor opened his eyes, Beel sprinted downstairs for the smell of food that triggered his hunger.

Lucifer, wearing his usual coat, sips on his dark coffee. "(MC), Belphie. I'm certain Barbatos woke you up on time, do you mind explaining why you're so late?"

"We're tired, Lucifer," it's a pathetic excuse but the truth.

"Didn't Barbatos also tell you to go to bed early last night? You have no excuse for this," the Avatar of Pride bites back.

Not wanting to start the morning with chaos, you don't bother to put up a fight as he scolds you for your unorganisation. But Belphegor refuses to listen, "Quit talking, Lucifer. We barely got to sleep because of you and Satan."

Leviathan almost chokes on his toast and Asmodeus takes out his phone instantly, prepared to record any upcoming drama. A smile appears on Satan's face as he realises what's about to go down while Mammon carefully pulls you aside. Simeon averts his eyes and asks Luke to do the same. Solomon merely enjoys.

"Excuse me?" Lucifer intimidatingly stands up from his spot on the dining table and takes a step forward. "Are you trying to blame your tardiness on me?"

Beel tries to stop Belphie from answering back but he's unable to contain his twin from spitting out any more ruthless words.

"So what if I am? (MC) did nothing wrong, so why bring her and I into this when you're the one who kept us from sleeping?"

The Avatar of Pride inhales deeply in anger, almost ready to switch into his demon form, but Diavolo waltzes into the room in the nick of time to stop a brother brawl from happening. Unaware of the fight he prevented, he sits in the seat next to Lucifer's as Barbatos pours him a hot cup of tea.

"Morning everybody! How'd you all sleep?" the prince asks, bringing up a question that you wish he wouldn't.

Luckily, Simeon butts in before either Belphegor or Lucifer can say anything, "Well. We slept well. I have to say, your log cabin is very homely and comforting."

Diavolo laughs aloud, "Why, how kind of you to say Simeon. It's a good thing you're all full of energy since we've got some exploring to do today!"

ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ || ᴏɴᴇ ꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ꜱᴛᴜꜰꜰWhere stories live. Discover now