☆ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ᴀꜱᴍᴏ || 2021 ☆

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Whoop! Happy birthday Asmo, you majestic, beautiful birthday boy!! Ngl, he's pretty underrated :( but that's all gonna change bc it's his birthday today and we're showering him with compliments and gifts! It's Asmo Appreciation Time!!

He's such a sweetheart when it comes to MC and that makes my heart melt! As clingy as he can be, he also shows them so much love and treats them with so much care. Dramatic sweetheart also dies if he doesn't get attention for a second (but let's be honest - same) so let us give him the attention he deserves!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASMO! May he stay the gorgeous and generous demon that he is, forever and always


After peeking through the small crack of Asmodeus' slightly open door, you notice that he's still posing in front of his vanity mirror. You knock on the door gently to alert him of your presence then step into his room.

"Are you ready? Everybody's waiting for you," you tell him.

He tucks his long, wavy fringe behind his ear but then untucks it again after giving it a second thought. "Almost..." he applies some moisturizer onto his face and winks at his own reflection once he's finished, "Ok, now I'm done. Thank you for waiting, (MC) darling~," he sings.

His outfit to his own party is beyond extravagant, looking like a gown and yet also like a suit. It's not something that one can easily pull off and yet he manages to make it look magnificent, he'll definitely be the centre of attention today and not just because he's the birthday boy.

You escort him down to where everyone else is waiting, all dressed up in clothing way fancier than their usual wear. Simeon and Luke hang around the long table of delicate and fine dining foods, enjoying small servings while Beel devours the entire food stock even with Levi and Belphie trying their best to hold him back.

Asmo wanted a party that was somewhat close to a club, but Lucifer found it rather informal so the Avatar of Lust had to settle with his next favourite thing - ballroom parties. Luckily for him, Diavolo kindly offered to host the party at the Demon Lord's Castle, where one of the grandest ballrooms exist.

"No need to fear everyone, I'm here. I know you all miss my beauty and all but do calm yourselves down a bit." Asmo has an interesting way of announcing his entrances.

"What are ya goin' on about? We're all calm!" Mammon retorts as he loosens his tie.

Lucifer sighs, "After living with him for thousands of years, I thought you'd be used to this by now. Well Asmo, since you're here, Satan and (MC), please bring out the cake."

You and Satan head to the kitchen and come back pushing a food trolley with a pink cake, decorated with berries, sitting on top. "We asked Simeon and Luke to not include too much sugar since you're on a diet," Satan adds.

The birthday boy doesn't restrain his happiness, gasping loudly as he lays eyes on it. The butler had decorated the cake with a picture of the Avatar of Lust himself and despite only using fondant and cream, the lifelike resemblance is identical. Barbatos looks over Asmo's shoulders and smiles proudly, "I'm glad you like it. Hopefully I was able to capture all your facial features correctly."

Asmo almost tears up, "It's beautiful! It's as perfect as I am."

"That's wonderful, but there's still one more thing we need to do," Solomon approaches him. He presents a light, white box with a neat red ribbon on top, "Happy birthday, Asmodeus."

Receiving both birthday gifts and wishes, Asmo grins widely as he notices all his gifts are expensive branded items such as shoes, bracelets, clothes and earrings. Just as you think his smile can't get any wider, you hand him something small of a package. Unlike the rest of his presents, he opens it immediately.

"(MC), you got us matching rings?!" he exclaims. He throws his arms around you and squeals with delight, "I'm going to wear it everyday, and you better do the same! Understood, my dear?"

You give him a nod, "Yep! I promise!"

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