☆ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ʙᴇᴇʟ + ʙᴇʟᴘʜɪᴇ || 2021 ☆

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TWO BIRTHDAYS!! WE'RE CELEBRATING TWO BIRTHDAYS!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO THE TWINS 🎂🎂🎂 One hungry, one sleepy (literally my two moods lol), these two are literally everything.

Beel and Belphie are so adorable sksksksks. And their love for each other is so wholesome 🤧 *sobs*, no one else shows sibling love better than these two. Like two peas in a pod, like two halves of a whole, these two complete each other and the way they both show their love to MC without arguing shows their understanding towards one another :')

Wish them both all the best, may they spend the rest of their days together as the best bros they are. #AtticClubSandwich4Life


Rattling the wrapped box up and down, Beel gets excited once he recognizes the sound and tears apart the wrapping, revealing three boxes with a dozen donuts in each. He doesn't hesitate to eat them right away with a smile on his face.

Belphie isn't as enthusiastic to open his present up but seeing Beel excited gives him enough motivation to open his gift. Two blankets lay out in front of him, one fluffy while the other is silky. He strokes the blankets and smiles with gratitude.

"Thank you," he says to no one in particular, as none of the gifts are labelled. Everyone had decided that it was best to give the presents that way. He tucks them behind his back.

One by one, they go through all their presents, satisfied with each one. Mammon and Levi strap party hats onto the twins' heads and give Beel a party blower, hoping that he won't eat it. The Avatar of Gluttony licks the small party device and gives a disappointing frown.

"It doesn't taste nice," he comments, making Belphie laugh.

He takes the party blower away from his twin. "Beel, it's not for eating. Look," he blows into the party blower, making it unroll.

Beel, mesmerised by said party blower, stares in amazement as the sound of a baby trumpet comes from the piece of plastic. Belphie hands it back to him so he can have a turn. He gets too carried away and refuses to take it out his mouth.

Before long, Lucifer comes out with a cake, but it's not any ordinary cake. The size of it is huge! Almost as big as Beelzebub himself. The gluttonous demon's eyes grows, excitement twinkling in his gaze, as the cake is brought in. Two candles sit at the top of the cake, one purple and one red.

To blow out the candles, the twins had to stand up to reach the top of the cake. Once the flames are extinguished, Satan hands out plates immediately, knowing well that Beel won't contain himself for long.

Belphie takes a hold of the knife and starts to cut the cake but you stop him before he can fully cut a slice. "Wait!" you take out you D.D.D and open up the camera "Ok go!"

The twins cut a slice for everyone, except the Avatar of Gluttony who gets two, while you take pictures of their smiling faces, treasuring it yourself as you see the two of them so happy together. As they hand out the plates with cake, the brothers and the exchange students, as well as the demon prince and his butler, give them their birthday wishes.

When Beel hands your plate to you, he smiles at you with chubby cheeks. You give them a little squish and laugh at his adorableness as Belphie joins in.

"(MC), you seem like you're enjoying yourself," he says. "It makes me glad to see you happy."

"Me too," Beel adds with a mouthful of cake. With a bit of icing near his mouth, Belphie grabs a napkin and helps wipe it off his twin.

A sudden reminder flickers into your brain and before you can forget, you open up your gallery and show them the picture you took earlier. The two stare at it for a while before giving you a warm and grateful grin.

"Belphie looks so nice when he smiles," Beel adds.

"You look happy as well, Beel," Belphie chuckles.

You promise that you'll share the photo to them later so that they too can treasure this moment together. The twins go off to join the rest, with the same smiles you captured on you D.D.D as their brothers wish their youngest brothers the best birthday possible. 

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