☆ ᴠᴀʟᴇɴᴛɪɴᴇꜱ ᴅᴀʏ || 2022 ☆

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the day of valentine's has arrived, and it's only here to remind us of how single or how loved some of us are :').  oH, this holiday sucks so bad in real life (i aM SALTY) but valentine's day in the gaming world ain't so bad so that's how i'm gonna spend today :D

anywaysies, i wish y'all a happy valentine's day and i want to remind y'all that you're loved by many! (and i'm one of the many)


Valentine's Day at R.A.D starts all kinds of commotion, with everyone having their lockers being filled with letters and receiving chocolates or flowers from secret admirers. You, on the other hand, have more than one admirer to spoil you on this day.

Lucifer - He'll put his gifts on your desk so they'll be the first things you see as you walk through classroom doors. You'll find a dozen red roses, a small but somewhat expensive box of chocolates and a beige envelope with a red wax seal. In the envelope, there's obviously going to be some sort of really passionate love letter that goes on for almost five pages, back to front. As the Avatar of Pride, he likes to go all out with his gifts to win you over because none of his brothers can compete with going over-the-top, and that pleases him.

Mammon - Tells you to "guess what day it is?!" then proceeds to get all excited for Valentine's Day. His main goal is just to keep you to himself and spoil you rotten on this day because you're one of the only people who's nice to him so you deserve a ton of gifts. He'll use every opportunity he can to sneak a present to you. During break, he'll buy you snacks or lunch from the cafeteria whenever he can, then maybe pick a flower from the garden so he can give it to you. He'll also write sweet little notes and slip them to you during class.

Leviathan - Acts like he doesn't care about this occasion at all but is seriously a nervous wreck deep down because he really wants to give you something for Valentine's Day. Writes you a card but doesn't sign his name as he prefers to remain anonymous when writing love letters. He'll slip it into your locker, or somewhere else discrete, and watch you open it from afar. If you seem happy as you read the card, he'll be happy too. One card isn't enough of a gift to show how much he cares about you though, so he'll pair it with a small bear plush.

Satan - Treasures the moments he had with you over the years he's spent by your side and puts together a mini album from scratch with little inside joke quotes besides each photograph. Gifts mean more when you make them instead of buy them so that's what he wishes to do to stand out. Wants to give it to you in person and is confident to do so, but he backs out the last second because his nervousness overwhelms him eventually and he becomes a little too flustered to properly give you it. There's also going to be flowers, just a small bouquet, to pair with the album.

Asmodeus - Presents you the main gift of matching heart lockets that have a place for you two to store a picture of each other. Then gives you side gifts like a nice ring and other jewellery you like. Hands it to you in person because he wants to see your reaction to the gift and also to make everyone else jealous when they see you receiving your present from him. He gets a ton of presents from almost everybody in R.A.D, but the only gifts that really matter are the ones from you, so he really hopes that you'll give him something in return.

Beelzebub - Forgets it's Valentine's Day until he sees everyone giving each other chocolates, flowers, presents. He feels bad about forgetting because all the others are giving you things and you look so happy to be getting gifts. As he wants to add to your happiness, he'll first give you a nice and tight 'apology hug' for forgetting to get you a present, then offer to do whatever you want whenever you ask. He'll even try and give you his lunch first before eating it himself. Since Valentine's is a day for love, he'll also constantly coddle you with affection.

Belphegor - Gifts are overrated in his opinion. With everyone else giving you presents for Valentine's Day, it doesn't make it special anymore so he prefers not to follow along with the idea of presents. Instead, he makes you skip class with him so you two can have alone time together, probably in the school garden. Since everybody else had your attention during lunch, he makes the most of the time he has now and reminds you that you mean a lot to him. He pretty much lays on your lap, cuddles you and acts more clingy than he usually is.

Diavolo - Gives you a mountain of gifts that you lost count of how many he's given you by the time it's noon. Everyone else at R.A.D is honestly jealous that you have someone to shower you with that many presents. And if the presents weren't enough, he'll ask you to meet him after school hours end, since he's booked a nice dinner with you at a restaurant that gives away free pudding for couples. Along with dinner, he'll take you to a park if he can and go on a stroll together. As he's normally too busy, he's ecstatic to have this time with you as he finally has you to himself.

Barbatos - Since you're always surrounded by everybody else, he'll stay by the sidelines and only approach you with your Valentine's gift when you're alone so he's free to talk to you for long as he wishes to. He gets you a small gift, nothing big because he doesn't want it to attract any attention, but it'll be something that can be useful but also something that you'll want to keep by you everyday. He wouldn't want to get you anything that you'd only keep around once because he likes to think that the more often you have it with you, the closer you two will be.

Simeon - Makes homemade chocolates and writes really romantic poetry just for you. As an experienced writer, he'll use emotional words and touching sentences that will most likely make you shed a tear. He tells you how much you mean to him, how much he loves you and how his life just wouldn't be the same without you to be by his side everyday. As you're reading, he may also try feed you one of the chocolates he made to check if you like them or not, so he can see if they need any improvement for next Valentine's. Also, expect small kisses every now and then.

Solomon - He gives you compliments like "You look beautiful today" and acts a little intimately at times like brushing your cheek while staring into your eyes. He seems quite bold of a person, so he shouldn't be afraid to show his passionate side when he wishes to. Throughout your day at R.A.D, he'll act as though he has nothing to give you while you're getting other gifts from everyone else. But as soon as the day ends, he'll ask you to meet up with him at the front of the academy and give you your presents there, which may be lucky charms or very rare flowers.

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