♡ ᴏɴᴇ ᴛᴀʟᴇɴᴛᴇᴅ ᴀʀᴛɪꜱᴛ || ʙᴇᴇʟᴢᴇʙᴜʙ ♡

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A few sheets of blank paper and a box of crayons. That was all he asked for, right?

Walking down the corridor, on your way to the dining room, you try your best to poke at your memory and see if there's anything else you've forgotten to bring that's on the list of what Beel needed you to get. The list isn't even long, so you're surprised that you can't even remember all that's on it.

As you near the dining table, you spot Beel sitting in his usual seat and casually approach him with the paper and crayons. "There we go, I got everything I can remember. Is there anything else we need?"

The Avatar of Gluttony scans the supplies you brought then smiles in reassurance, "No, I think you have everything. I knew I could count on you."

You clutch onto your heart and sigh, relieved that you didn't disappoint Beel. "Sorry, my memory can be all over the place sometimes so I just had to be sure," you chuckle sheepishly. Memory isn't your strongest suit at times and it really shows.

"That's fine, (MC). I forget things too so you're all fine," Beel tries to be comforting as he grabs a piece of paper and black crayon from the set then starts to draw circles. At least, you think they're circles.

You keep quiet for a second and try to find the right words. "Um... Beel, what are you drawing there?"

He looks up after completing another five of his imperfect circles on separate pieces of paper and proudly holds his work in front of you, "It's for my brothers, I'm trying to draw their faces. They've been working hard lately, even Mammon, so I want to give them a gift. Does it look ok?"

To be honest with yourself, bad is an understatement of what his art is. You probably wouldn't be able to tell the difference between his artistic skills and that of a toddler's if you're to compare. Still, despite all those painful truths, you can't bring yourself to say it to his face and hurt his feelings after hearing his kind intentions. What kind of monster will that you?

Forcing a smile, you sneak in a white lie. "Yeah, it's looking perfectly fine. But you don't have to worry about anything like that, your brothers will like it anyway because it's the thought that counts," your eyes don't leave the sheet of paper as you speak. "Is there anything you want me to help with?"

The demon glances at the faces he started. "Actually, I was wondering if you'd want to draw my brothers too. You're a good artist, I've seen you draw before."

"Really? I'm not sure if..." you pause and think. His art may not be the best but that doesn't change the fact that this is his present to his brothers. "Honestly, I think it would mean more to your brothers if you were the one to draw them. Maybe I can just help with the background stuff?" you wave a blue crayon in the air while you make a suggestion.

Beel, not taken aback by your refusal, taps his chin and nods slowly, "That makes sense. Ok, let's do that. Thank you, (MC)!"

He begins to add details to the first face he draws, colouring in dark hair and black-red eyes that closely resemble that of his eldest brother's. The colours are the only thing that he's accurate about. The facial distributions are all off and uneven, with one eye bigger than the other and mouth abnormally wide.

Lucifer's light skin is filled in last, leaving some patches of white showing where the Avatar of Gluttony forgot to paint in and with some colour straying outside the lines. Beel hands the picture to you and looks at you with glistening eyes.

"How does it look?" he asks for your opinion.

"Good," you say. Out of the twins, you have to give Beelzebub the upper hand when it comes to skills with pencil and paper. "You're one talented artist, just give it a bit more practise and you'll see."

You begin your part of the bargain and shade the background royal blue before you get Beel to sign it with his name. You repeat the process for all six papers, Beel draws the faces and you colour the backgrounds with colours that represent the brothers. Mammon with a bright sunny yellow, a soft shade of tangerine for Levi, Satan gets a light green for his background, so forth and so on.

Beel continues to sign off each one, writing down who it's to and from

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Beel continues to sign off each one, writing down who it's to and from. He tries to bring in the idea of also mentioning you for your efforts but you politely decline. "But then no one will give you any credit," he tries to reason with you. "Won't that make you sad?"

Shaking your head, you smile to assure him that you're fine with receiving no praise. "I'll be fine, Beel. I promise. As long as your brothers like what you did then I'll be glad too," you pat his head and grin.

"Ok then," he says. "But if you're not going to receive any credit, could you at least take a gift from me? I just feel bad if I don't get you something."

With his guilty conscience leading him to have a desire to reward you, you let him have his way with this settlement. "Sure, I'd be ok with that. What do you want to give me?"

Excited by your response, Beel grabs one of the spare sheets of paper left and quickly makes haste with the crayon that's already in his hands, scribbling yet another circle onto the blank page.

Though this time, there are two faces drawn on the white surface. One with ginger hair and the other with hair colour that matches your own. It doesn't take you long to piece together the fact that it's both your faces that he's doodling. When he's done with your profiles, he writes 'thank you' in large bold letters then adds one more element to the picture: a pink heart between you two.

He slides it over to you once he's finished and beams. "There we are. If you aren't going to sign your name then you deserve a picture too. I hope you like it, (MC). I can always give you something else too, if you want."

You laugh at his adorable but 'strange' artwork. Even though it isn't the prettiest masterpiece, you still treasure the doodle and you hold it close to heart. "No, this is enough. Thank you, Beel." you lean in close and give him a light and gentle kiss on his cheek. 

Having you suddenly take initiative, the Avatar of Gluttony is unable to meet your eyes while his cheeks burn till they turn pink, just like the heart he coloured on the paper. "(MC), this is a bit... much."

"Do you not like it?"

"No, that's not it," he turns his head side to side. "I like it, I really do. It's just a lot for my heart to handle, it keeps beating so fast."

"Aww... Beel," you can't hide your own smile over what he confesses. "You make my heart beat fast too. Don't tell your brothers that, ok? Remember, we still need to give these to them," you hold up the sheets of paper that are meant to be presents.

Beel finally looks up and meets your gaze then chuckles, his deep laughter echoing in your ears. "I won't, I'll keep it as our own special secret," he rises from his seat and walks alongside you to make the deliveries.

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