♡ ʙᴀʙʏꜱɪᴛᴛɪɴ' || ᴍᴀᴍᴍᴏɴ ♡

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You nod to everything Simeon's saying, listening carefully and giving him your full attention as he leaves Luke under your supervision. "... And please don't forget, he doesn't really enjoy any demon cuisines," he reminds you.

Luke looks at the older angel with a pout, "I can tell (MC) myself, Simeon. I'm not a baby, you know," he whines.

Simeon smiles lightly then chuckles, "Alright then. I'll leave you to it."

From what you've been told, Luke is going to be left in your care since Solomon and Simeon were going to the human world and poor Luke isn't allowed to go since he's still too young. You're the one that Luke trusts most, being the only non-demon and the only one that doesn't pick on him.

As Simeon marches off with the sorcerer, he closes the door behind him and Luke takes the time to suggest different activities you two can do together, most of them include baking all sorts of goods. Ready to fulfil his wishes, you happily make your way to the kitchen with him following closely behind. You expect to see Beelzebub raiding the fridge again but to your surprise, he isn't the demon ransacking the place.

"Mammon?" a look of confusion spreads on your face and Luke's.

The money-hungry demon whips around in a flash. He sighs with relief, "Phew! (MC), don't scare me like that! I thought you were Lucifer, can you imagine if he found out?"

Luke gasps, "Is Lucifer going to be angry when he knows? I don't want to be here when that happens," he hides himself behind you.

You'd think that someone who has been punished as much as him would've learnt a lesson by now but Mammon shrugs it off like it's nothing, "I'm just lookin' for Goldie, not like I'm stealin' or whatever. I'm takin' back what's mine."

Furiously shaking his head, Luke detests against Mammon's reasoning, "This isn't going to end well, I already know it! See, (MC)? Demons are nothing but trouble!"

"Hey! Quit yappin'. What's the chihuahua doin' here anyway?"

Luke gives a disapproving frown at the nickname but he has completely given up on fighting since that name will likely stick with him forever. Pitying him, you give Luke a sympathetic pat on the back.

You tell Mammon what Simeon told you, the whole story without any missing detail. "And now we're here to make some cupcakes, so if you don't mind..." you say as you roll up your sleeves and prepare an apron for you and the little angel.

"Woah, wait. You're gonna spend the rest of the day with him?" Mammon asks curiously. You give him a look that says 'what do you think?', believing that the answer is obvious. Mammon takes the hint, "Well, I'm gonna join ya! I know you're gonna get all bored without me so you can thank me later!"

His enthusiastic announcement leaves you in complete disbelief, "Thank you for what?"

"For lighting up the mood while we're taking care of him, what else?" he shrugs whilst pointing at the so-called 'chihuahua'.

By the look on Luke's face, you can tell you're both thinking the same thing. "You sure you know how to do that? Kids might not be your forte, just saying."

The Avatar of Greed looks a little insulted by your question but decides to take on the challenge and makes a deal with you. If he can prove that he's capable of taking care of Luke then you'll have to spend the whole of tomorrow with him. As for the punishment, none of you have anything in mind.

"Great! Now, you said somethin' about cupcakes?" Mammon rubs his hands together like he's scheming. You instruct him to put on an apron first and leave it at that, you assume he'd at least know to wash his hands before cooking.

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