♡ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴇᴀᴛᴇꜱᴛ ʜᴇɪꜱᴛ (ᴘᴛ. ᴛᴡᴏ) || ᴍᴀᴍᴍᴏɴ ♡

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Mammon picks himself up from the floor and laughs nervously, "Hey Levi! How are ya?" You knew this was a bad idea to begin with and now his failure is proving you right.

Levi looks back at you with dismay, "(MC)... You saw him coming in behind me, d-didn't you? Are you in on this as well? Are you in cahoots with this scumbag?"

Stutters then silence are all you can give as an answer since an explanation is out of the question.

Mammon senses the guilt that you bare on your shoulders and he takes a bullet for you. "As if! (MC) can't even hurt a fly, ya really think she's gonna steal from you? I just need one of your figurines, a duplicate, then I'll be outta your hair!"

"Why?" Levi says in a salty tone. "You still have that money you owe me. Until you pay up, I'm not lending you anything!"

A brother brawl's bound to start soon with these two in the same room and there's already enough trouble for you to deal with. "Wait, Levi!" you stand in front of him before he can head for Mammon, "Can we make an agreement here? How about you give him one of your duplicates and I'll make sure you get your money back by tomorrow?"

Both Mammon and Levi stare at you with eyes wide, "Tomorrow?!"

It sounds ridiculous, if you weren't in your own shoes then you too would be seriously doubtful of the bargain you just made, but you know what you're going to do. "Trust me, I'll make sure of it," you repeat.

The Avatar of Envy pauses for a moment, "A-A-Alright. I believe you, (MC). You never lie, right? Ok, ok, ok, I trust you," he hands you the figurine, obviously still skeptical about Mammon.

"Thank you! I'll be right on it!" you throw your arms around Levi for a quick second then pull away. You reassure him one last time that you'll keep to your promise before you and Mammon leave his room, "Mammon will give it to you tomorrow morning at the dining table."

"Ok, but do you still want to go to that concert?" Levi holds up two tickets.

" Oh, yes! And please bring the spare concert ticket too

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" Oh, yes! And please bring the spare concert ticket too. Thanks again!"

Out of consideration, you close Levi's door so he can go back to his gaming in peace and finally breathe out slowly as you passed the worst part of this heist. "We did it! Thank goodness. And um... thank you, by the way, for what you did back there. I really appreciate it."

Mammon normally soaks in compliments like a sponge with water, not letting it go until months later, but he doesn't cheer himself on today. "Yeah, ya oughtta' be grateful, I guess," he simply replies.

"Hey, what's wrong?" you put a hand on his shoulder and try to look into his eyes.

"Why'd ya have to go and hug him like that? I mean, it's not like I care and all but still! We're partners in crime, and ya can't go fallin' for the enemy. You're even goin' to a concert with that gloomy guy!" he pouts.

You can tell he's hurt from jealousy and to compromise you also give him a tight embrace, this one feeling more intimate than the last one you gave as you hold him longer in your arms. "Is that better?" you say as his face turns all sorts of shades of red.

"Y-Yeah... Can we just, I don't know, stay like this a little longer," he slowly wraps his arms around you as he lets the comforting sensation sink in. "So, how are ya going to pay Levi back by tomorrow? Doncha' think it's a bit too fast?"

Figuring that Mammon's debt to Levi is less than the one he has with the witches, you think it'll be easier for you to pay Levi with your own money so Mammon will have less to worry about. As you explain it all to him, the Avatar of Greed doesn't show you his usual mischievous smile but a more warming one.

"(MC), thank you... but are ya sure? It's a lot of Grimm, just sayin'," he gives you a heads up.

"How much would that be?" you start to show a bit of concern.

"Maybe around 1 000 000, give or take."

And his debt to the witches is even greater?

Once you hear the final amount you have to gather, you gulp. You were prepared for a large sum of money but it still shocks you to a degree. Luckily, you've been working part time for a while now and you've also been saving up your weekly allowance that Lucifer gives you. You'd still have a decent budget left after the trade so you're fine with it, besides, it's for Mammon.

"I'm ok with it," you give him a small kiss on the forehead. "Now come one, we still have to get you out of trouble with the witches. Let us continue the greatest heist to ever exist!"

He grins, encouraged by your enthusiasm. "Right! We still need somethin' from Lucifer and Satan. Y'know, I oughtta be worried about gettin' caught again but..." he pauses, slightly blushing. "It feels different when I'm with ya, like as long as we're together we'll be ok," he intertwines his fingers with yours, "I love you a lot, (MC)."

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