♡ ɢᴏᴏᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ, ꜱʟᴇᴇᴘ ᴛɪɢʜᴛ || ʟᴜᴋᴇ ♡

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we got another luke request! everyone, please remember that all one shots with luke will be platonic. i want to thank who requested this because it really was a sweet little one shot to write and i enjoyed the softness of it all.

i'd also like to mention that this has been requested to be a female reader, so MC's pronouns will be she/her


In a kitchen without lights during the latest hour of night, you hold your arms out and blindly stumble your way through the darkness. Hips bumping into obstacles and toes getting stubbed by unseen corners, you desperately search for the light switch before your entire body becomes covered in bruises.

To answer the question of why you're roaming about at this time, it's quite a simple story, but a lengthy one.

It all began in the morning of today. Diavolo had requested for everyone to meet at the Demon Lord's castle with no warning or explanation to pair with the invitation. Of course, all of you had thought it was an urgent matter and rushed right over in case it was an emergency.

Once you arrived, you found that the prince was in no trouble of any kind and only wanted to surprise the whole lot of you with a small retreat of sorts. A little party and a night over as a reward for the effort you've been putting into Spirit Week the days prior.

You got placed into a beautiful guest room alongside Asmo and Simeon. The two are definitely one of the few quiet ones of the group, so it's a blessing to be sharing a room with them. Still, despite being placed with the peaceful ones, you managed to get disturbed mid-sleep.

That led to you leaping out of bed in the middle of the night, and sneaking around the kitchen for a glass of warm milk.

Your hands finally find the switch on the wall and the lights from above flicker, brightening up the room. Vision no longer impaired, you move around with ease and cause less of a ruckus than earlier as you grab a cup and pour yourself some milk from the fridge.

With no one else awake at this hour, every little noise rings in your ears and fills the whole palace. You could hear a pin drop, so you have to take extra precaution to avoid any more random sounds that could potentially awaken everyone else under the same roof.

As you chuck your glass into the microwave, you listen to it hum and watch the timer slowly countdown. You can't find enough energy to warm the milk up properly on a stovetop, so you settle with the easiest method that you know. You cover up your mouth as you yawn and listen for the last few beeps of the microwave, ready to grab and go.

"(MC)? What are you doing?" a tired, meek voice interrupts from behind.

Startled, you flinch and whip your head round in a flash. If you didn't look awake before, you definitely do now.

"Luke?" you clutch on to your beating heart. You have to be blink a couple times just to be sure the little angel standing there isn't just a figment of your weary imagination. "I couldn't sleep, so I was getting some warm milk. It's late, Luke, why are you up all of a sudden?" you approach him.

He rubs his eyes, "I couldn't sleep too. Mammon's snoring is too loud."

You laugh lightly at the complaint of his temporary roommate as you pat his back comfortingly. "Aw, that's too bad. Tell you what, let me make you some warm milk as well. And I'll do it properly, with a pot and everything. Just sit tight, ok?"

You pull out a chair for Luke and let him take his seat while you gather the equipment for a new batch of warm milk. Turning up the stove, you let the milk come to a simmer then pour it straight into a mug for the young angel, who swings his legs while they dangle from the chair.

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