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"And that concludes today's meeting. Thank you for all coming," Diavolo officially ends the student council's conference for the day after having discussed the new additions to R.A.D's exchange program. "Oh, (MC), if you don't mind staying for a little longer, Lucifer and I need to discuss one more thing with you. It'll only be a short moment."

Though not fond of staying behind, you agree nonetheless. As everyone else happily leaves the room, you stay in your seat and watch, waiting until it's only you, the prince and the Avatar of Pride left in the room.

"Alright, so what is it you want to talk about?" you dive right into discussion, desperate to get this meeting over with so you can carry on with your day.

Lucifer takes the seat right in front of you, giving you the hint that this conversation may last longer than intended. "As you're aware of Raphael's arrival, I'm going to put you in charge of showing him around for the day. You became accustomed to the Devildom quickly when you were an exchange student so Diavolo and I both agreed that you were the best option for this."

You chuckle nervously, "You think I'm the best option? I hardly know him, and... I have to admit, he's pretty intimidating. Don't you think Simeon could do it? They already know each other, don't they?"

"That's exactly why you're the perfect candidate," Diavolo intervenes. "I'd like for Raphael to befriend others here and not just stick around with the people he knows. It may be uncomfortable for him and you, but it serves as the perfect time to bond."

You stare at him with an unsatisfied look. "Ok, fine. I'll do it, but could you please ask someone else to do it next time?" you rise and make your way to the exit, swinging the door open to leave.

Expecting no one to be in the way, you step one foot over the threshold and motion forward without even realising the angel standing in the doorway, stumbling into him as you start walking. Colliding into the new exchange student that you're supposed to show around, your first impression already has you come off as clumsy.

"Ah-! Sorry, I didn't mean to run into you. I didn't even realise that you were already here," you hope that he'll let things slide as you add a light laugh.

"Simeon told me I was supposed to meet here with Lucifer," Raphael ignores your apology. "I heard I was meant to have a tour of the place."

The Avatar of Pride approaches the angel alongside Diavolo. "Yes, that was the case. But we've decided that it'd be better for (MC) to help with that instead. I trust that the two of you will be on good terms in no time."

Raphael scans you from head to toe with a blunt expression. "We'll see."

All you can do in response is give him an awkward smile without trying to seem offended by his doubt in your people skills. Both demons head off without giving you even another word of advice on how to interact with the quiet yet dauting seraphim.

With the atmosphere already uncomfortable, you take in a breath and clap your hands together. "Ok then, where do you want to go first?"

The angel gives you a strange stare. "You're the one familiar with the place, aren't you?"

"Well, yeah... But I thought that maybe you'd have suggestions, or something," your voice falters to a mumble. "Ok then, I guess we can start with-"

"A suggestion?" Raphael repeats while cutting you off, sounding intrigued by what you had just said. "Do you know somewhere quiet? This school has too many demons wandering around, it'd be a decent change for once," a silence lingers for a while as you wait for him to say anything else, but all he does is turn his head back to you impatiently. "I asked you a question."

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