♡ ᴀ ᴄᴀᴍᴘ ꜰᴏʀ ᴄʜᴀᴏꜱ (ᴘᴛ. ᴏɴᴇ) - ᴛᴇɴᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴛʀᴏᴜʙʟᴇ || ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ ɢᴀɴɢ ♡

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It's a normal, yet suspicious, morning in the House of Lamentations. The brothers are all quietly eating their breakfast, with no arguments nor fights. It's unnerving and too strange for your own liking, you've grown fond of the chaos that resides in the place and now consider peace and quiet as weird.

You clear your throat and break the silence. "So, how's your day?" you ask the basic conversation starter, though the day has barely even began.

Beelzebub cleans his plate entirely, "My day's been pretty good so far! Lucifer gave me seconds for breakfast, and they were both large portions! I think he's in a good mood."

That sparks your attention, and you glance around to see what the other brothers have to say. Satan looks at the empty chair that's meant for the eldest and narrows his eyes, "I'll admit, he doesn't seem any different but he's definitely acting... unusual."

"If he stays in a good mood, he'll probably give us anythin' we ask for!" Mammon smiles widely.

"So that's why you're all so quiet? Just to be on his good side?" you raise an eyebrow. The brothers' silence only reassures your judgement.

Lucifer then returns to the dining room, but this time with Diavolo by his side. "Everyone, Diavolo has something to say, give him your full attention," he passes on the speech to the demon prince.

To begin, he starts off by giving his usual generous grin. "Good morning! You probably all noticed how Lucifer's in such a good mood and I'm sure you'd all like to know why. We're all going on a camping trip!"

"What?!" the entire room shouts in unison, apart from the two demons giving the announcement. "And you're happy about this, Lucifer?" Asmodeus looks at his elder brother in utter confusion, and you have to admit that you're also puzzled by his positive mood.

He nods. "I wouldn't say happy, I prefer the word 'intrigued' in this case. There's a rare flower that blooms once in a century and I have a good feeling that we might able to come across it during our little outing."

Peaking his interest, Satan rubs his chin. "You mean the Crimson Blood Rose, am I right? I've heard about it, apparently it's bound to bloom in around a day or two. I have to admit, I've always wanted to see it too."

With two out of seven brothers agreeing to the last minute trip, Diavolo decides to call it a majority's vote. "Perfect! I'll send you there right away! And don't worry about packing, we're only staying for one night, and Barbatos and I already prepared everything beforehand," he says as he clicks his fingers.

At command, the floor beneath you sinks and begins to swallow you and the brothers as what appears to be an endless void starts to form. Having no surface to stand on, your body drops into the rabbit hole that Diavolo had set and you tumble around with no gravity to support you. You close your eyes and suppress the need to gag while you get tossed around.

"(MC)! Don't worry, I gotcha'!" Mammon grabs your shoulders and pulls you closer to him. You aren't in his arms for long as someone else bumps into you two, separating you and Mammon from each other.

Asmodeus shrieks, "Eek! Sorry (MC), I can't find any balance like this," he floats around. He's not the only stumbling around, all of his brothers also appear to have the same difficulties.

Colours of green and soft shades of yellow finally flood the void, circling all of you like a hurricane. The swirling soon slows down and you're able to make out trees and bushes as everything settles. Gravity becomes a reality again and every one of you land on the ground with a thud.

Sounds of wildlife and gentle whistling winds can be heard as you sit up. "Is this... the Human World?" you realise. Satan lends you a hand and you take it gratefully, allowing him to pull you up.

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