♡ ꜱᴘʀɪɴɢ ᴄʟᴇᴀɴɪɴɢ || ʙᴇʟᴘʜᴇɢᴏʀ ♡

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Rattling and clattering coming from the floor above your head instantly draws your attention to the attic stairs as you pass by. As far as you're concerned, nobody had planned to be up in the attic today. Everyone had spent their time detailing their schedules to you last night, even when you didn't ask for them to.

Mammon and Asmo should be out at another one of their model photoshoots and Lucifer had informed you that he'd be in his office for most of the day, while Levi would be at a convention and Beel on a restaurant trip. The remaining two brothers, Satan and Belphie, left their plans a little more ambiguous, but you already have an idea of what they're doing.

Every single time that the Avatars of Wrath and Sloth gather together, it's always to pull off another grand scheme that will hopefully enrage their eldest brother. It almost never works, either ending up with both of them being punished or the prank simply not leaving Lucifer as annoyed as intended. Still, they always remain persistent and determined.

Curious about the noise from the attic, you start the climb up the spiralling staircase as you hesitantly approach the room. With not much of an explanation left, you chalk the ruckus up to rats and prepare to see the worst.

However, glancing through the decorative door, you see no furry creatures scurrying across the floor, nor are there any open windows that could've let a small breeze in to knock anything over.

Instead, you find Belphegor sitting on the ground next to a box that's tipped to its side and its contents spilled and scattered. With his head down while rummaging through the fallen objects and his back facing you, he takes no notice of you as you sneak up behind him.

You lightly tap the youngest on his shoulder without another warning and Belphie flinches at the sudden ambush. He swings around swiftly to gain eyes on who spooked him, ready to give them a swear jar's worth of degradation and insults, but his eyes soften once they land on you.

"(MC)? What are you doing here? I thought you'd be at Purgatory Hall today," he recalls the message you left in the House of Lamentations chatroom prior your leave to the building hosting the other exchange students.

You sit yourself down beside him then you rest your head on his shoulder, "I was, but then Solomon started cooking lunch and I figured it was best that I save myself from food poisoning. What are you doing? You had plans with Satan, didn't you? Another Anti-Lucifer League club activity, I'm guessing?"

"Yep. We covered everything in his office with honey. You should've seen it, it was hilarious," Belphie manages to chuckle. "Too bad Lucifer, that old sourpuss, can't take a joke."

"So that's why you're here? In the attic? You're not hiding out here to avoid the consequences, are you?" you query.

The youngest shakes his head, seeming rather offended that you would suggest he hide instead of face punishment. "This is the consequence. Lucifer's making us clean out an entire room ourselves. I've got the attic and Satan's got the library. Then we've got to go deal with Cerberus next. I don't know what's after that, but I know Lucifer isn't going to make it easy for us," Belphie groans.

"I mean, what did you expect? You painted his entire office with a new coat of honey," you shrug as pick up one of the objects on the floor. An old telescope, with a layer of dust glazing the glass that makes it obvious it hasn't been used in eons. "Since we're here already, we might as well do what you're meant to. Come on, the attic isn't going to clean itself."

The Avatar of Sloth raises a brow as he turns to you. "We? You're cleaning too?"

You blow away the dust with a single puff of your breath and watch the particles float away in the air. "Like you could do this by yourself. I know you'd fall asleep halfway through," you point the telescope at him.

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