♡ ɢᴏʟᴅᴇɴ ᴄʀᴏᴡɴꜱ || ᴅɪᴀᴠᴏʟᴏ ♡

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"(MC)! I bring you good news," Diavolo happily approaches you in the R.A.D hallways after school hours. "I seem to be completely free today. No work at all, isn't it amazing?"

You have to admit, it is quite a surprise to find the demon prince unoccupied so you share his excitement in the clearing of his schedule. "It's great! But how? Last time I saw you, you said you had a ton of paperwork to do and events to manage."

Diavolo laughs nervously, "Well... You see, Barbatos noticed I've been a little more- how do I put this... Whiny? He told me I was complaining a lot, and so he kindly asked Lucifer to help me and we got through the work pile together."

"Oh, so you're entirely free? No work at all?" your enthusiasm grows by the second. You have had so many plans with him that you had to cancel due to his busy timetable but now, you can finally catch up on all the things you two missed out.

He nods with a cheery smile then places a hand on your shoulder, "(MC), I promised you that I'd make it up to you for all the times we couldn't be together. So today, I'm all yours. Anywhere you want to go, we'll go. Anything you want to do, we'll do."

As a man of his word, you know he means it and you almost leap with joy as he dedicates his day to you. To show your gratitude, you throw your arms around him with a large grin appearing shortly after as you repeatedly thank Diavolo for his promise. Despite this unexpected and sudden turn of events, you already have an idea in mind.

The Devildom has so many stores and restaurants that you can roam into while walking the streets. You intend on going to Madam Scream's to satisfy Diavolo's sweet tooth, and if you remember correctly, there's a shop not too far from it that sells soft, large plushies. One of them caught your eye recently and you wanted to get it with the demon prince last week but unfortunately, he was busy attending to his own matters.

You tell him about your arrangements and he seems to be a fan of it, beaming with eagerness while his head fills up with thoughts of all the different things you two will do. Jumping on the spot with small hops, you grab his hand tightly. "This is too wonderful, I can't wait! Let's go already!"

He chuckles as you act like a child in awe of a new toy, "That's the (MC) I know." Encouraged by your chirpy spirit, he follows you as you drag him all the way to the main district of shopping commotion in the Devildom.

Glancing around the place, you realise there's so much more you want to do and you have difficulties fighting the urge to add more activities to the list than you already had in mind for today. With your eyes darting left and right, finding new things to buy and shops to explore, you stop as you spot something sitting by the window on display.

A large, red bear plush with small stubby demon horns on its head and a navy blue scarf wrapped around its neck, almost covering all of its mouth to the point where you can only see the adorable puppy-like eyes staring back at you. You walk over towards the glass and place your hand on the transparent barrier, still staring at the bear.

In the reflection, you notice Diavolo behind you, partaking in the admiring of the eye-catching plush while he smiles warmly seeing you so happy. You turn to face him, "It looks so cute, doesn't it? I actually wanted to buy this last week with you... Too bad we didn't have the time."

"Oh, don't make me feel guilty about it," he laughs. "If you want it then let's buy it. My gift to you."

Your eyes widen, "Really? You don't have to, I have my own money with me."

"No, no, I'm fine with it. I want to do this for you," the demon prince opens the door into the small shop and you closely trail behind him.

Upon your arrival, a young demon with round glasses arises from beneath the counter, welcoming you inside and insisting that you 'have a free look around'. The interior walls, painted a light coral pink, gives you a homely feel with different shelves holding toys and collectibles of all kinds, while one corner dedicates itself for families expecting newborns and another corner for young toddlers.

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