☆ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀ'ꜱ || 2021 ☆

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WOAHHH IT'S 2021!! HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!! 2020 has been a rollercoaster of a year and I honestly don't want to revisit all the stuff that happened this year. It's been so chaotic, hectic, disastrous, etc... 

But hopefully 2021 will be different (i swear, if i jinx this...), I wish the best for everyone and that this year will be good to you. 


Lucifer - Writes out a new bucket list of things that are actually achievable and worth working towards. Also prepares some new rules and procedures for the House of Lamentations while hoping that the brothers will actually follow it for once. He's against the idea of Mammon and fireworks because he knows it will be chaos.

Mammon - Gets excited when receiving red pockets/envelopes* since he can earn money without having to work. He'll stay up until 12:00am so he can be the first one to call and wish you a happy new year (i cri). He also wants to see some fireworks with you so he'll try set them off himself but ends up setting something on fire instead.

*Red pockets/envelopes include money being sealed in a red envelope and given as a monetary gift during holidays or special occasions such as weddings, graduation or the birth of a baby. This is common in Chinese, East and Southeast Asian societies.

Leviathan - Looking forward to New Year's because his favourite anime is releasing a new season. He feels that the year went by so quickly since he's a complete shut-in and only knows about the chaotic year because of memes on the internet. Instead of helping put out the fire Mammon started, he'd be filming it while laughing and saying "LMAO".

Satan - Like Lucifer, he also prepares a new bucket list but instead of something worth achieving, it's just a list of things to annoy Lucifer. Also does an end-of-year book review for everything he read this year. He's possibly the one who gave Mammon the idea of fireworks, knowing how badly it's gonna end up.

Asmodeus - Going through a "New year, New me" phase but in fashion sense. He's going to try new looks and a new aesthetic but he looks good in anything so it doesn't matter what he wears. Goes out to see actual fireworks and takes pictures, then goes back to family drama to get some gossip and tea *sips loudly*.

Beelzebub - Wishes a happy new year to everybody, especially you and Belphie. Spends most of the day in the kitchen, like usual, but tries not to finish all the food for once since he doesn't want to start the year off getting yelled at. There'll also be a lot of street food stalls around so he'd take advantage of those. Also, he'll be the one to comfort Belphie during the whole firework incident.

Belphegor - Doesn't really care about New Year's, he's the type of person to think that a new year means you're one year closer to death. Like Mammon, he'll try to spend the night with you the night before so he can wish you Happy New Year's when it reaches midnight. Falls asleep halfway but gets scared awake by the loud sound of fireworks.

Diavolo - Pulls the "See you next year!" joke way too much. Gives a very big speech about how he wants to have harmony between all three worlds, he'll set up some new rules and try make the Devildom a better place. He wants to achieve big things as prince and a new year is the perfect time for it.

Barbatos - Already knows what the year has in store for everyone since he has time powers (i'm jealous) but will keep that to himself, unless Diavolo asks. He'll give subtle hints though, like "Enjoy this year while you can". Other than that, no spoilers and he'll wish everybody a good year, it may sound sarcastic but he means it.

Simeon (ft. Luke) - Luke probably tried to bake some mooncakes, with the help of Barbatos, and you and Simeon will be the first ones he offers it to. Simeon will most likely be giving everyone 'red pockets' because he's a nice guy, but instead of money in the pockets (bc money is ~evil~), he'll give all of you some inspirational quotes that'll help you through the year.

Solomon - New Year's not that big of a deal to him since (SPOILERS) he's lived for more than 200 years, but one of his New Year's Resolutions is to make pacts with more demons. Along with that, he probably knows everybody else's New Year's Resolutions too because he's a know-it-all. He'll say "Have a happy new year" but it sounds more like a threat than something festive. (I also imagine him playing around with a sparkler like it's a wand a lot and idk why).

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