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You flip through the thick book in your hands as you make your way to the Purgatory Hall from the Demon Lord's Castle. Traversing back and forth all over the Devildom, you try to distract yourself from the soreness that's beginning to show in your feet by occupying your mind with all the different recipes in Barbatos' cookbook.

He had trusted you with the spare copy he made as the butler needed it delivered to Solomon. You doubt that the sorcerer requested for the book himself, Barbatos most definitely saw it as need for the experimental self taught chef. The butler's partially known for his amazing culinary skills so you hope for the best and pray that Solomon will learn at least one decent recipe by the end of the day from him. Then again, the man does like to stray from instructions when it comes to cooking.

Nearing the building of Solomon's residence, you suppose you might as well call and let him know about your arrival so there'd be no misunderstanding over an unexpected visit. Your D.D.D's on its last few remaining battery percentages and you make the most of them as you scroll through your contacts and press the phone icon with your thumb.

The sorcerer's quick to pick up and your ringtone only lasts for a second. "(MC), how are you?" he starts. "Is there something wrong? If you need anything then I'll be over soon, just tell me where you are."

"No, it's nothing like that," you laugh at his slight enthusiasm. "I'm just calling to let you know that I'm on my way over to Purgatory Hall. I have something to give to you from Barbatos so could you open the door for me beforehand? Thanks."

Solomon, now aware of you dropping by, tells you that he'll unlock the entrance so you can welcome yourself inside then ends the phone call.

It's not long before you reach where the other exchange students are staying and just as Solomon had said, you walk into Purgatory Hall with no trouble at all. Simeon and Luke are home, you know for sure since you heard their voices in the background during your call. Speaking of the two, the sound of the door swinging open must've alert them as Luke comes running down the stairs with a large grin with Simeon and Solomon following his tail. The youngest angel sprints to you with open arms and practically throws himself at you as he hugs you tight, laughing merrily as he does so.

"(MC)! It's so good to see you!" he cheers. "I didn't know you were coming over."

"Neither did I. It wasn't really planned, otherwise I would've told you way earlier. I'm actually just here to give Solomon something," you hold out the cookbook.

A single glance at the cover sends dread into both the angels' eyes as the word 'cook' doesn't usually bode well when paired together with the sorcerer. Everything that he's made has been inedible, as far as you've tasted, so it's no wonder it strikes fear into both Luke's and Simeon's hearts when they catch a sight of the book that's only cooking up a recipe for disaster.

Simeon unnecessarily clears his throat. "Luke, how about we let (MC) give the gift to Solomon in private, ok? I'm sure there's a few things that they'd like to speak about alone," he ushers Luke out the front door in a hurry before Solomon can offer to make them a meal. You really want to join their escape but alas, the present from Barbatos was entrusted to you.

"May I?" Solomon holds out his hand and you pass the book over to him, placing it into his palms then watching him turn pages as he skims through thee words and pictures. "And you said Barbatos was the one who wanted me to have this, correct? How thoughtful of him to give such a gift, maybe he's giving me a sign to cook more."

"Um... Sure, a sign... But I'd better get going, it's a bit of a walk back to the House of Lamentations and I need to be home before dinner. Enjoy the new cookbook though!" you wave your goodbyes and turn to leave but a hand stops you as it wraps around your wrist.

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