♡ ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴀꜱ ʜᴏɴᴇʏ || ʙᴇᴇʟᴢᴇʙᴜʙ ♡

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"Beel! Seriously? Again?!" Satan's scolding session surges through the entire house from the kitchen, full of anger. "How many times do we have to tell you?!"

Belphegor runs to his twin's side and defends him, "It's not all Beel's fault, y'know. You know how hungry he gets so why didn't you buy extra food?" he puts himself in front of Beelzebub and acts as a barrier between the angry brothers and the accused demon.

You walk in on the mini family court trial, still yawning and barely awake, but the shouting continues, everyone believing that the volume of their voices will prove their point. Mammon and Asmodeus aren't as enraged compared to Satan and Levi but they still join in on the bickering. Luckily for them, Lucifer isn't here yet to solve the problem with his own methods.

"What's happening?" you ask as you rub your eyes, not having a single clue about the issue.

Levi points to the fridge, the door swinging open slightly to reveal nothing sitting inside, not even a crumb. The fridge has been completely ransacked and it's pretty obvious who the culprit is.

It clicks in your head, "Oh... So we have no food now."

"Not just that! I bought limited edition TSL cupcakes yesterday, and I won't even get to try it now!" Levi crosses his arms.

"Sorry..." Beel apologetically looks to the floor, feeling too guilty to look his brothers and you in the eye. Belphie puts a hand on his shoulder for comfort.

Satan's fury doesn't back down, "Sorry isn't going to put food in the fridge, is it?"

"Hey! He apologised already, what more do you want?"

"I want to see food in the fridge!"

You're about to tell everyone to keep their voices low in case it catches Lucifer's attention. But you're too late. The eldest stalks in with the most frustrated look you've ever seen and an aura that sends you quivering in fear.

He groans, "What's all the commotion about this time?" the tone in his speech sends the message that he's officially done with this family. He turns to Mammon, expecting the problem to be the Avatar of Greed but to his surprise, it isn't.

Levi rants on about the issue, mainly complaining about his cupcakes, as Lucifer nods, patiently understanding before he comes to a conclusion, "We have no food, is that it? Well, Beelzebub, I suggest that you be the one to go to the groceries as you are the one who emptied the fridge to its cleanest."

Beel accepts his punishment with the guilt on his shoulders and also knowing that he'll fight a losing battle if he dares to argue back. Everyone gets to write at least two things they want on the grocery list, as long as it's food. Beel takes the long sheet of paper and scans through all the items, his eyes widen at the expense.

"It's so expensive, am I supposed to buy all this?" he questions his brothers with a little pout.

Lucifer hands him a decent amount of Grimm, "I don't blame you entirely for this, so I'll be lenient. You can use some of the bill budget. Also, I recommend that you bring someone along because you're hands will be full."

Belphegor offers to go but once he takes a good long look at the list he becomes hesitant as he knows that he'll get tired before the shopping trip even begins. In the end, he figures that he'll be more of a burden if he goes.

"I can do it," you chime in.

"(MC), are you sure?" Beel asks as you nod, agreeing to help him with this chore that befalls upon him. He rolls up the list and tucks it into the pocket of his jacket for safekeeping.

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