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i'm sure that everyone's thought of this scenario in their head at some point: imagine that there's someone winning your attention/flirting with you and they catch sight of what's happening so they start getting jealous of that someone.

to the person who requested, thank you! an iconic scenario it is and i'm not gonna lie, i was so hyped when i saw the request lol

also, not adding new characters just yet bc i still don't know them well enough. 


Lucifer - His facial expressions don't show it but you get that vibe from him because he just generates that jealous aura. Watches you from a distance at first but will pull you away from whoever you're talking to if that person gets too comfortable or touchy-feely. If you try to convince him that there's nothing to worry about, he'll be a bit skeptical since he saw all the flirting with his own eyes but slowly lets his doubts go after some time. However, he'll be possessive over you for the rest of the week.

Mammon - It's incredibly obvious and crystal clear that this man is jealous. As soon as he sees someone else trying to flirt with you, he'll shoo them away instantly and steal you all to himself. Kinda begins ranting about how he's your 'first' and that your attention should only be on him, but if you tell him that there wasn't really anything happening then he'll believe you because he trusts you a lot. He's not going to leave your side until you promise to never let anyone else win your heart.

Leviathan - Is literally the Avatar of Envy, so expect him to be the most jealous person alive once he finds out. Levi will also rant a bunch because he's clearly upset that you're letting someone flirt with you. Rambles on about your friendship and what it means to him for a while. He almost tears up while talking about it so you'll need to assure and comfort him, maybe even give a hug? He'll refuse to let you go, he becomes quite clingy and tries to keep you around as much as possible because your presence is reassuring.

Satan - Tries not to get jealous because he believes that's childish behaviour so he'll just leave you and the other person be while he reads or something. He can't help but sneak a few glances every now and then, making sure that you aren't being won over by said flirter. Eventually, he's going to lose to his jealousy and intervene in whatever's going on between you two. Butts in midway through your chat then as the person tries to continue talking to you, Satan will probably answer everything for you instead.

Asmodeus - Interrupts the one sided flirting session and kisses you immediately before you even get a chance to comprehend what's happening. That's going to leave whoever's trying to flirt confused so they'll just awkwardly leave themselves. Once he sees them go, Asmo will smile smugly because his effort paid off and he's proud of that. He'll whine at you after though, wanting all your attention and asking you a bunch of questions about who that person is and why you were talking to them.

Beelzebub - Didn't realise that person was flirting with you at first and doesn't think too much of it, probably because he thinks they're just another one of your friends. Once they get touchy though, he'll stand by your side and watch their every move so they don't overdo anything. But he won't intervene because he doesn't want to be impolite and cut your conversations short. He kinda just glares at the person the whole time, and patiently waits till the end of your talk before admitting that he's jealous.

Belphegor - He immediately dislikes the person who's flirting with you. To interrupt your conversation, he'll probably call your name and make it sound like he needs help to get your attention. Once you come over and ask him what's wrong, he'll just say "nothing" as his purpose was just to put an end to your conversation with them. He'll be a little bit salty afterwards and might give you the silent treatment. That doesn't last long though since he'll make you give him cuddles to make him feel better.

Diavolo - Prefers to act as the better man since he is in fact royalty and should act accordingly to keep his reputation. But he seriously can't help feeling envious as he watches that person flirt with you and really has to keep his composure to hide his jealousy. When they're done talking and finally leave, Diavolo won't hesitate to admit that he was dying inside the whole time and he's curious to know if the person's flirting skills were at all effective. Gives puppy eyes while he asks as well, so try to spare his feelings.

Barbatos - Acts clueless and asks something sarcastic like "Oh my, what's this? Am I interrupting something?" even though he knows exactly what's happening. You can't tell if he's jealous at all because he hides his emotions well and it makes it hard for you to read his facial expressions accurately. The only way you'll know if he's jelly or not is if he tells you himself. He doesn't want his feelings to interfere with your relationship with others so he'll only tell the truth and admit to his jealousy if you ask him. 

Simeon - Jealousy is an ugly emotion and he refuses to feel it when he sees the interaction. He fails eventually and feels guilty for being jealous since it feels like he's trying to control who you interact with. He'll confess that he's jealous as soon as he can because he also hates keeping secrets from you, it's also a huge relief to get it off his shoulders. Tell him that it's ok to be jealous sometimes then he'll feel much better. He won't ask you to never see the person again, he just needs reassurance that you're friends, that's all.

Solomon - Not at all happy but puts on a smile just for you, then glares at the person who's flirting with the most intimidating stare possible. I imagine him becoming very two faced when he's jealous, treating you like royalty then treating the other person like gum under his shoe. He'll also advise you to avoid that person as much as possible because they're 'bad news'. Honestly, he just points out all the flaws in the flirter and makes sure that you won't want to be around them anymore.

Luke - (since he's a baby, let's just say he's jealous because someone else is receiving more attention than him) Pouts, whines, he throws quite a childish tantrum and complains to Simeon and Solomon a little because he has so much he wants to rant about. Is scared to tell you that he's jealous himself though because he thinks you'll get mad at him so he just tries to hang out with you more to fight for your attention and makes you tons of his signature baked goods to win you over. 

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