♡ ᴅɪɴɴᴇʀ ᴅᴜᴛʏ || ʙᴇᴇʟᴢᴇʙᴜʙ ♡

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As the night sky of the Devildom darkens in colour, evening comes around and the House of Lamentations grows quiet as the brothers prepare themselves for dinner. Asmo bathing alone in his bathroom, Belphie taking a quick power nap, Levi gaming away in his room, no one disturbs one another and the resulting peacefulness becomes another one of those moments that occur once in a blue moon.

You appreciate the calmness for what it is while you can as you lie in bed on your stomach and enjoy the remaining moments you have on your D.D.D before any interruption from the demon brothers can come and drag you into madness again. Unfortunately for you, the peaceful moment that you wished for yourself doesn't last any longer than a second as a gentle knock comes from other side of your door.

You look up from your device and turn your head towards the sound. "Come in, whoever it is."

The first thing your eyes lay sight on is the ginger hair that comes through the door once it opens.

"(MC), you haven't seen Lucifer anywhere, have you?" the Avatar of Gluttony enters your room with a question as he holds on to his stomach to try contain its thundering roars of hunger. "I looked everywhere. I don't think he's home yet and he's on dinner duty."

Not aware of the eldest's whereabouts either, you shrug. "I haven't seen him since I left R.A.D. He might still be there, have you tried calling him?" you lift yourself off the bed and swing your feet onto the floor.

Beel shakes his head. "No. He might be busy with something else and he'll probably get angry if I disturb him. Especially if it's about food.," he frowns, feeling a little guilty after realising just how much he bothers Lucifer whenever he's hungry.

You, on the other hand, show a more sympathetic display towards Beel's appetite as you give him a soft pat on the back. "That's not fair for you. At this rate, you'll starve to death before he even makes it home. Tell you what, I'll call him for you. Maybe he won't be as mad if it's someone else."

"Thanks, (MC)," Beel beams while you pick up your phone and start to ring the eldest. He stands in close proximity and prepares to eavesdrop as he's eager to hear from his oldest brother, hoping for an answer about dinner.

The response is immediate, and Lucifer is efficient to answer the call. "(MC), is there a reason as to why you're calling me? Don't tell me Mammon is up to something again. Or did Satan and Belphie set up another ridiculous trap of theirs to trouble me?" the genuine frustration can be heard in his voice and it becomes apparent why Beel was terrified of calling his brother himself.

"No, nothing like that," you laugh nervously to try change the current tone of the conversation. "I was kind of wondering when you'll be home. You haven't forgotten that you're in charge of dinner tonight, right?"

A groan comes from the other end of the phone. "You don't need to remind me. I'm perfectly aware of my responsibilities. There is, however, a slight issue at hand. Diavolo and I still have a few more important matters to discuss so I won't be able to return home in time. You and Beel may have to take over dinner duty tonight. Beel, make sure you don't eat ingredients alone."

The sixth born widens his eyes, "How did you know I was here?"

"I highly doubt (MC) would ask me about dinner unprompted. This phone call had your name written all over it," Lucifer explains simply. "(MC), I believe I can trust you to put Beel in his place if he tries to eat anything without permission. I'm counting on you," he offers one more line of encouragement before ending the call abruptly.

Putting your device away, you inhale through gritted teeth. "So, I guess we're in charge of dinner now... You're not too hungry, are you?" you ask while crossing your fingers in hopes that he'll say no, but you already know where this is headed.

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