☆ ʜᴀᴘᴘʏ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ʟᴜᴄɪꜰᴇʀ || 2021 ☆

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Happy birthday Lucifer!! Pridy McPrideface, Mr Loyal-and-obedient, Luci, he goes by many names. But we all definitely know him as The Mum of the House of Lamentations, so how about give this poor man a break on his special day.

Despite being seriously overworked sometimes, he still shows so much love to his family, we stan. He's been through some hard times as well, and bared all the guilt and consequences on his own shoulders. Sometimes it kinda hurts to see how much responsibility can pain him but he manages to persevere through.

I wish him a stress-free and peaceful day so he can finally get some sleep. Happy birthday to Lucifer, the eldest!!


"Come on now, Lucifer, it's only going to be for a bit," Diavolo tells him. "It's better than doing paperwork, that's for sure. Isn't that right (MC)?"

You nod enthusiastically, "Parties aren't that bad. Besides, don't you want to celebrate with your brothers? Simeon and the others also wanted to celebrate with you."

Lucifer rubs his temples and sighs as he follows you down the hallway to the living room of the House of Lamentations, "Fine. But just this once."

He's being more stubborn and difficult to persuade today, showing great distaste to even attending his own birthday party, though you consider it more of a gathering. Lucifer's never been a big fan of fun outings, courtesy to his brothers' recklessness, though he does attends the ones that Diavolo hosts. In fact, without Diavolo, having dragged him out of his office, you're not even sure that he'd be celebrating his birthday today.

With him approaching the barely living room, his brothers arrange themselves into a line with their hands behind their back, definitely hiding something. Barely any arguments spark between them and this causes Lucifer's suspicions to grow and he raises an eyebrow, "This is... new. Diavolo, are you behind this?"

The demon prince shrugs with a smug expression on his face. "I don't know, am I?" he replies sarcastically. He then nods, giving everybody a signal to get the fun started.

Mammon and Beel reveal what they're hiding and pop the party poppers, letting confetti spill everywhere. Luke and Barbatos lift open the lid of a box, letting black and navy blue balloons float up the ceiling. Levi, Satan, Asmo and Belphie then show their surprises to Lucifer, his presents, that being two cursed classical vinyl records, a new fountain pen and a bag of expensive black coffee beans.

"Happy birthday Lucifer!" they shout in unison. This gives yet another signal for Solomon and Simeon let loose a large banner with those exact words printed on it.

Not as surprised as you hoped he'd look, you walk to his side and try to find a reason as to why. "Do you not like it? We thought it would be a nice surprise for you."

"I wouldn't say I'm surprised, but rather..." he takes a while to find the right word, "... impressed."

To hear compliments coming from the Avatar of Pride himself, his brothers and friends celebrate their supposed achievement to cover up the fact that they're almost in complete shock. Simeon approaches Lucifer with a warm, welcoming smile, "It's good to know birthday parties make you happy, I barely see you smile nowadays."

"What was that? Please repeat yourself, Simeon," Lucifer glares at the angel.

"I'm only joking. Learn to loosen up a little, it's your birthday after all."

Simeon leaves to go help himself with some refreshments, giving you some time to convince Lucifer to do one thing he hasn't been able to do for quite some time. "You don't really get the opportunity to spend proper time with your brothers, don't you? Usually, you're either scolding them or getting them out of trouble... Maybe you can change that."

Diavolo chimes in, "That's right. You're always busy on my behalf and I thank you for your hard work and loyalty, but do find some time for you and your family."

Though reluctant at first, Lucifer eventually chooses to head to his brothers for a bit of bonding time, and they don't hesitate to welcome him with open arms. 

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