♡ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴀʟʟʀᴏᴏᴍ || ᴅɪᴀᴠᴏʟᴏ ♡

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To begin with, you aren't even sure why you even had to go to this fancy party in the first place, let alone know the reason to why you had to wear such an over-accessorised dress.

You've been told that Diavolo is hosting a masquerade ball at his castle, and those of the Purgatory Hall and House of Lamentations are VIP guests to the party. Lucifer had bought everyone new suits for the occasion but you got an old ballgown that looks as though it's over 1000 years old.

At first, you tried to bring this complaint to Lucifer but he tells you that it's a traditional dress from long, long ago. Apparently Diavolo would appreciate it if you're the one to wear it to his ball.

You pat down your gown in hopes that you'll get rid of a year's worth of dust. As little clouds of dirty fluff fly around the room, they swarm around you and you end up in a coughing fit as you accidentally swallow one whilst trying to swat it away.

Dammit Lucifer, if you're gonna make me wear a dress then at least clean it out before you give it to me.

It looks amazing, you'll admit, but it's incredibly uncomfortable. It's tight and it digs straight into your skin, not to mention that it's also quite itchy. You drag yourself and the multiple layers of clothing to the mirror, twirling around and inspecting yourself from every angle. Not bad but not worth the trouble.

Without knocking, Mammon butts in on your little fashion show, "Oi! (MC)! Lucifer says ya gotta be ready soon- Woah... Ya don't look half bad in that..."

"Uh, thanks? You look nice too. But could you please knock next time?! I might've been naked!"

He puffs out his chest and ignores the rest of your sentence except for the compliment, "Of course I do! I look amazing in everything! Now c'mon! We gotta hurry up," he marches out of your room with a proud smile.

You groan in annoyance as you realise that you had to walk around in this gown for the rest of the day. It's a complete hassle to travel through the House of Lamentations to meet up with the brothers, you find yourself tripping over the random bits of fabric hanging out every now and then.

Once you finally make it to the entrance of the house, you spy all the brother in perfectly ironed and fresh suits. Lucifer slips on his gloves, "(MC), next time more efficiency would be appreciated," he frowns. "We need to leave now, otherwise we'll be late."

You roll your eyes as he looks away, it's a risk your willing to take to express your irritation. You follow the others and awaiting outside is your ride to Diavolo's castle, a large, fancy carriage, decorated in gold, with nothing to pull it. Stepping inside, you sit down and shuffle to try and get comfortable.

 Stepping inside, you sit down and shuffle to try and get comfortable

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"(MC), stop. You'll ruin the gown."

I swear, if he tells me to do one more thing, I'm going to explode.

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