♡ ᴍʏ ʙᴇᴛʀᴏᴛʜᴇᴅ || ᴅɪᴀᴠᴏʟᴏ ♡

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A bell lightly chimes by your ear as morning breaks, though it's hard to tell since the moon still shines no matter day or night. Begrudgingly opening your eyes, you find Barbatos standing near and holding the little golden bell that awakens you from your sleep. Out of instinct, you frown at him but still abide by rule of the alarm's call.

"Good morning, (MC). I apologise for having to wake you but you slept in a fair bit. I take it that the young lord's bed is comfortable then?" the butler laughs lightly as you sit up and stretch.

"Mhm," you nod. "His bed is so cozy."

Speaking of the demon prince, you're alone in his bed when you turn to see where he slept beside you last night. You assume he left early to run some important errands as a part of his responsibility as royalty. Something you'll have to get used to pretty soon yourself.

It hasn't been too long ago since you were officially announced as the prince's fiancé and a part of the royal family. After the night that Diavolo had proposed to you in front of most of his kingdom, you were welcomed to stay at the Demon Lord's Castle and treat it as your own home.

Of course, not everyone was a fan of the plan at first. The brothers had their fair share of opinions whether you should move or not, but they eventually agreed with some convincing from Lucifer. As for the citizens of the Devildom, many came to accept that a human would partly rule, though a minority had objections that you can understand.

Barbatos pulls the sheets away from you, exposing your legs to the cold. "(MC), as a royal, you'll have to wake up early now and slacking is unacceptable. I'll be here to make sure of that."

You groan in annoyance and don't bother to play a game of tug-of-war to get the blankets back like you usually would back in the House of Lamentations. "Barbatos, it's me! You know I'm not an early bird. Can't you make an exception for me?"

"I'm sorry, but you'll need to get used to your new lifestyle quickly. I also hate to do anything that displeases you, (MC), but this is what Diavolo requested," he bows his head as an apology. He holds out his hand to help get your morning started and smiles sincerely to lift your spirits.

You take it and immediately get pulled out of bed then shoved into the bathroom with a given time limit of no more than ten minutes to shower and proceed with the other usual steps in your morning routine. With that sort of pressure, you rush what's normally a refreshing cleanse and hurriedly wash your face so you don't disappoint the loyal but equally strict butler.

With your shower done, breakfast is next in line on your organised schedule and you're invited to the dining room that's almost always used to host a banquet for the demon brothers and the members of Purgatory Hall. Now, it's left bare and empty. Perfect for a lonely meal.

A single plate is set up at the farthest seat from where you currently stand and Barbatos kindly pulls the chair out for you. Inching to the seat, you finally sit down and stare at the fanciful platter in front of you, then at the rest of the empty chairs surrounding you.

You clear your throat, "Did Diavolo already eat?"

"He woke up early to make breakfast for both you and him. The young lord wanted to wait for you to join him but he had to finish early to talk with Lucifer, he should be coming back at any rate," Barbatos glances at the clock hanging on the wall.

As predicted by the demon who can see into both past and present, your fiancé bursts into the dining room in no time and you get to see his face for the first time today

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As predicted by the demon who can see into both past and present, your fiancé bursts into the dining room in no time and you get to see his face for the first time today. "(MC), good morning. I'm sorry I didn't get to wake you myself but I gave you a kiss before I left, did you know?" he takes a seat next to you and smiles widely.

"Aw... you did?" you clutch your heart, touched by his loving gestures.

With you two alone together at last, the butler takes his leave so you can have a heart-to-heart with the demon prince. Diavolo watches you attentively with his puppy eyes and his smile only seems to grow each bite you take.

"So how does it taste?" he awaits your response eagerly. "I tried to make them the way you like it. I want to know if I did a good job."

You finish chewing and swallow the last of your breakfast. "You did a great job, I love them! I wish you can do this every morning, honestly," you kiss his cheek as thanks. "I'm just a little disappointed that we couldn't enjoy it together today, but there's always next time, right?"

A mention of 'next time' changes his grin to an expression that you find difficult to read. Almost like he's suppressing his emotions from your knowing. He reaches for your hand and grips it tightly as he fixes his gaze on you.

"It may be a while before we can get that 'next time'. I have a lot in my hands as of now," Diavolo's voice remains still and serious, something you're not accustomed to. It hurts to hear what comes out his mouth and you bite your lip to hide back the tears that begin to well up in your eyes.

It's not the first time you've been told that you won't be guaranteed personal time with Diavolo.

For someone who agreed to marry the future ruler of the Devildom, you knew what you were getting yourself into and you promised yourself that you wouldn't be hurt if he prioritised his schedule over you. It never occurred to you how much heartache it would really cause and you were never fully prepared for when it would happen face to face, no matter how much you told yourself otherwise.

You laugh a little to hide the trembling in your voice. "Oh, that's fine, you know. You're a busy person and I shouldn't interrupt, sorry for disturbing. I'll go find Barbatos, ok?" you leave your seat and try to walk away before he can see your crying face.

"Wait, (MC), where are you going?" he chases after. As you wipe away the streaming tears, Diavolo grabs your arm, "Look at me, please. What did I do wrong?"

Scared to face him with puffy eyes and a red nose, you shake your head. "I-I don't want to," you sniff. "And you didn't do anything wrong, Diavolo. Don't worry about that."

"So what's upsetting you?"

"I don't know. Things just aren't the same anymore with you, or with the brothers, or with anyone! I'm always in your way, and I'm always alone..." you fidget with the ring on your finger. "I'm going back to the House of Lamentations, I don't think I'll be any good for you here."

You can't see his expression but you feel his arms wrap around your waist and pull you in tighter, his breathing you can feel on your neck. You want to tell him to let go, yet your mouth stays shut. This is the most affection you've felt in a while and it won't hurt to let it last a little longer.

"(MC), you should've said something to me. You're my betrothed, I'll always make time for you, and darling, I'll spend the rest of the day only with you if that's what you wish," Diavolo places a hand on yours and kisses your cheek. "Don't cry, ok? You've never been a burden for me, and you never will."

Words of comfort soothe your hurting heart and you finally look at the demon prince. "Really? Would you do that? Because I'd like to be with you. For today," you shyly accept the request.

Swiftly, he picks you up with minimal effort and kisses your forehead this time while heading to his bedroom, smiling at your blushing face as he presses your head against his shoulders. "Of course. I'll tell Barbatos to let others know not to disturb us. You'll have me all to yourself."

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