♡ ᴏɴʟʏ ꜰᴏʀ ʏᴏᴜ || ʙᴇʟᴘʜᴇɢᴏʀ ♡

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"That was delicious. Why didn't you tell me about that place sooner?" you lean on Belphie's shoulder for support as walking around with a full stomach takes its toll on you. "Maybe we should've brought Beel with us. We wouldn't be as stuffed as we are now," you sigh.

"Yeah, but you'd have to pay an entire mansion's worth just to feed Beel. You'd go broke like Mammon," the Avatar of Sloth jokes about his second eldest brother and twin, one known for always losing money and the other infamous for his ongoing appetite. "Bringing him along wouldn't be bad idea, but I like it when it's just the two of us sometimes as well."

"I couldn't agree more," you laugh.

Walking alongside the Avatar of Sloth, you two traverse back to the House of Lamentations from the restaurant you had just eaten at. As you two journey further down the route home, the streets begin to fill with more and more people who hustle about and murmur to one another while crowding around something that's blocked from your view.

Belphie groans in annoyance, "Don't these people have anything better to do than block our way?" He tries to push a few figures out the way to form a path, but nobody seems to be budging.

"We can just go around, Belphie. Come on," you drag him the other direction before he starts causing a scene by shoving the wrong person.

However, passing through the crowd despite taking a different route becomes more difficult than intended as everywhere you turn, more people show up. Belphie quickly intertwines his fingers with yours and locks them together tight as the horde thickens and almost separates you two from each other.

"Why are there so many people here today? The streets aren't usually this full unless it's Diavolo's birthday," Belphie seems even more agitated than before. Not like you blame him, it's rather irritating to be packed in such a small place like sardines in a can.

After sneaking from one tiny gap to another, you and Belphie breathe a breath of fresh air at last thinking that you're out of the flood of bodies, but your relief is short lived once you realise that you've managed to pull both you and the seventh born into the heart of the thriving crowd.

You finally get to see what the commotion is all about as a young musician plays soft tunes about being hopeless romantics with their instrument and have their empty guitar case open as they busk. By the looks of things, they've already earned a fair bit from the dedicated audience surrounding them.

As their original piece comes to an end, they looks up to face the many people still listening and lean in close to the microphone before them

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As their original piece comes to an end, they looks up to face the many people still listening and lean in close to the microphone before them. "Thank you for staying behind to listen. I seriously appreciate every single one of you here and-," they stop as they spy two new faces in the crowd, that being you and Belphie.

Belphie tilts his head to the side, unamused. "And? What else are you grateful for?" he sarcastically urges them to finish their sentence.

"Oh, wow!" the singer gasps into the mic, announcing their surprise aloud. So loud that the microphone feedback that follows after almost deafens you. "Never thought I'd see one of the famous seven brothers here. Which one are you? The eldest? No- I've heard more about Lucifer, and you don't seem to be carrying all that reputation. Third eldest, perhaps?"

The guessing game continues as the musician runs through a majority of the brothers before it finally clicks in their mind what title Belphie takes on. "Belphegor, the seventh born. That's what it was," they snap their fingers in realisation.

Belphie rolls his eyes subtly as his introduction took way too long to figure out. Nobody seems to notice of his attitude, thankfully, as everyone around him begins to whisper and stir up speculations about what a human would be doing by his side.

You nudge him gently in the rib, "We should probably leave. Come on, let's go."

You both turn to leave in unison, not willing to spare them a single Grimm after all the attention they've brought to you two.

Things only get worse as the singer refuses to let you leave. "Hey, now. You're not mad that I didn't get your name right before, are you? I know what will make you feel better though, sing your emotions out. Go on," they pull Belphie to the mic. "Whatever it is, translate it into song."

The seventh born appears absolutely disgusted with the idea as his expressions can't make it anymore apparent. "Are you serious?"

"What's wrong? Not a big fan of singing? I'm sure you'd sing to your lovely date here if they asked," the boisterous musician steps away from the stage and swings an arm around you. "Isn't that right, dear?" they turn to you.

You wrinkle your nose. "Um... No. I've actually never heard him sing before."

"Lover boy here doesn't sing? Well, isn't that a bit of a turnoff," they embarrass the two of you even further. They strut their way back to their small busking station and stand next to the Avatar of Sloth. "You heard it here first, everyone. The youngest of the seven brothers has yet to find his musical talent," they pat Belphie on the back.

"Right," the youngest rolls his eyes yet again. "Would it make you feel better if I broke into song?"

"Belphie..." you shake your head. "Don't let them bother you."

"No, it's fine, (MC). Besides, you haven't heard me sing before," Belphegor's fingers wrap around the microphone in front of him. He turns to the musician, who's taken aback by the sudden motivation to sing, "You can play while I do the rest of the work, right? It's the least you can do after forcing me up here."

Grabbing their guitar, they tune the pegs and strum a chord. "Of course! Lead the way!"

Of all the ways that could've bribed Belphie to sing, you never thought that this would be it. But as you stand with the many spectators listening to his mellow voice echo through the mic, you have to admit that you're sort of glad this stranger of a musician was so persistent with the both of you. The gentle melody he sings paired with the strums of the guitar fill the streets with serene and soothing emotions, and it sends everyone into admiration.

Belphie looks you in the eye as you stare at him taking up the centre stage, then stops his performance abruptly. He walks off the spotlight that was unwillingly pushed onto him and leaves with you by his side, just like how the night was supposed to finish off before this entire musical ordeal.

"Uh- Where are you going? Are you really just going to leave your fans like this?" they attempt to coax Belphie to stay.

He whips his head around and glares at the people waiting for more. "I already did what you want," he replies, and grabs on to your hand, "So, we're going."

Belphie gives no further argument, neither does he put up with anymore begging, as he picks up the pace of his walking and escapes the mob all the while his grip tightening around your wrist.

When the coast is finally clear and you two arrive at the gates of the House of Lamentations, the Avatar of Sloth breathes out a sigh of relief and runs a hand across his forehead. "That was the worst, I can't believe that happened."

You laugh quietly at the absurdity of it all to yourself. "You know you didn't have to go through with that, right? You can be so stubborn sometimes, honestly. But, I'm actually kind of glad you sang still. You have a pretty voice," you compliment.

He blushes at the comment. "You're always saying kind things about everyone, so this doesn't even mean much... But it's still nice to hear it come from you."

You rest your head on his shoulder, taking the time to catch your breath. "I was actually thinking about something that they said though... Would you ever 'burst into song' if I asked?"

The question takes him by surprise. "I don't know... If you want then I guess it can't hurt if it's just you hearing it," he contemplates. "Alright, fine. I'll let you hear what you want, but remember that it's only for you. In return, I get to sleep on your lap whenever I want. Deal?"

You nod and present him a smile. "You know you have yourself a deal."

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