♡ ꜱʟᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ (ᴘᴛ. ᴏɴᴇ) - ᴏᴜʀ ᴘɪʟʟᴏᴡ ꜰᴏʀᴛ || ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ ɢᴀɴɢ ♡

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"(MC)! Have ya found any more pillows?" Mammon shouts from across the hall as you continue to dig through your room for any sort of cushions or pillows left.

"Yeah, I got a few more! Hang on, I'll show you," you call back. Carrying as much as you can underneath your arms, you hurry outside to meet with the Avatar of Greed, who leaves his room with almost nothing as he only holds one pillow in his hands. You frown, "Is that really all you have? I thought you would've had at least one more."

Mammon merely shakes off the complaint by waving a hand. "Hey, at least I brought somethin' to the table. It's better than havin' nothing at all."

"Didn't Satan say that blankets are fine too? Surely you have a blanket in your room," you raise a brow, suspicious that the second born's hiding whatever he owns from everyone else.

Biting his lower lip and avoiding eye contact, Mammon refuses to give in to your interrogation at first, but drops his act once he feels your eyes burning a hole in him. "Oh, fine!" he storms back into his room and drags out another pillow and blanket a minute after with a pout on his face. "That ain't fair, y'know I hate saying no to ya."

You toss him a smile and nudge his side gently. "Aww. Well, thanks for cooperating. Now, come on. We've got to get these to Levi, he's probably been waiting for a while now. Our pillow fort isn't going to build itself," you two pick up the pace and scurry to the living room before your half-built fort can topple without the stability of the backup materials.

The Avatar of Envy had given you and his older brother clear instructions earlier to raid the entire House of Lamentations' supply of pillows, cushions, blankets, quilts, and so forth to help keep the pillow fort up. As you and Mammon left to hunt down additional materials, Levi and Satan continued to build up the fortress and promised to prevent it from falling over for as long as possible, as long as you two understood the importance of haste.

Once you make it to the site of construction after having wasted so much time as it is, you hold up the extra supply of pillows that you have while Mammon shows off his find too. "Levi! We're here! We brought as much as we could."

Levi, with his back against one crumbling wall of cushions, looks up and glares at the both of you. "What took you so long?! I told you to hurry up, I'm dying over here!"

You shrink back as he addresses the delay. "Uh... Oops?"

"No time for regrets! Get moving and help me out here, pronto!" he hollers and barks out orders like a commanding officer.

Without spending another second standing still, you drop what you're carrying and rush to the other side of the wall to stabilise whatever you can while Mammon fills in the blank spots with the other pillows that you two had brought over. Once it becomes completely stationary, the second born throws a blanket over the barrier and takes a step back before it can collapse.

Levi backs off the wall lightly and sighs in relief. "Phew! If you guys came any later then all our hard work would've been for nothing. The absolute horror that could've happened! It's ridiculous! Why didn't you two come sooner?" he turns his attention back to you with a disappointed stare.

"Quit whinin' already, your fort's saved so ya oughtta' be thankful," Mammon deems himself the hero of the situation. "Shouldn't Satan be the one here to help ya out anyway? Where is he?" he asks as the Avatar of Wrath is nowhere to be seen.

"He went to get Asmo and Belphie so we could start decorating inside. The pillow fort was doing fine when he left, a little shaky, but still standing. Then it started getting worse and pillows started dropping out of nowhere," Levi informs as he adjusts the completed fortress that you're all supposed to camp in tonight.

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