☆ ɴᴇᴡ ʏᴇᴀʀ'ꜱ || 2023 ☆

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happy new year, people!!! i'm not going to lie, i can't believe this book is still going after so long. i didn't expect to go through so many new years with you guys, but i'm so grateful that i get to. 

i hope this year brings only good things for you all and i wish you all the best in your life as 2023 begins because you deserve the world! 


In celebration of New Year's, the Devildom is putting on a firework show at the end of the night and the entire kingdom will be there to witness it. Even the gang, who can't think of a better way to spend the final hours of the year than to be together during the countdown. 

Lucifer - Spends most of the night gathered around Diavolo and Barbatos, mainly because Diavolo likes talking to him, but he's also multitasking by keeping an eye on his brothers, just in case they're to get into any trouble or if any of them are up to something. However, he chooses to be with you during the countdown, so he can say that he got to end and start a year with you by his side. He's not a fan of big events as he knows he'll be busy, but this one seems worth attending.

Mammon - He's glad that the entire kingdom is gathered to watch the firework show, since he thinks he'll be able to blend into the crowd and get away with anything he might not usually be able to. He'll use the chance to sneak away with you so he can be the only one to watch the fireworks with you. It probably won't work out for him because Lucifer's pretty much always on his case. He doesn't let that stop him though, so he'll settle with having his brothers around you.

Leviathan - Hates the crowd so much, he begged to stay at home but he was forced to go since he plays an important role as one of the seven demon brothers. With no one else he's comfortable around apart from his few friends and family, he'll stick around you a lot and talk about how there's nothing to really look forward to on New Year's. As the countdown begins and you count down to a new year with him, it's enough for him to change his thoughts on the night.

Satan - He talks to a lot of different people outside the usual group, catching up with everyone and seeing how their year went. Although he's quite the social butterfly and doesn't mind chatting with everyone, he'd really prefer to spend the last few hours of the year talking to you instead, so he'll make sure to find you before the final firework show goes off. Once the countdown starts, he'll look at you the whole time so you'll be the only thing he sees as the year ends.

Asmodeus - He loves the fact that every citizen of the Devildom will be gathered around, the more the merrier and he wants them all to behold his stunning beauty. He'll probably go live on social media just to make sure everyone will be able to see him, and he'll also like to record the firework show as it lights up the sky. As much as he loves the attention from adoring fans, he also wants attention from you, so he'll put down his phone for the last few seconds of the night.

Beelzebub - There's likely to be street food everywhere, so he'll be eating to his heart's content. He's both excited and grateful for the chance to spend another with you by his side, so much so that he can't help but smile for most of the night, especially during the countdown and firework show. With all the people gathered in one place, it's likely that you might not be able to see the firework show properly, so he'll offer to let you sit on his shoulders for a better view.

Belphegor - He's not happy about having to stay up all the way till midnight just to celebrate the transition into a new year, he'll even try to doze off and ask you to wake him up when the countdown actually starts. However, he looks forward to the firework show the most, since all the different colours make the sky look beautiful. He becomes a bit clingy towards you when it starts and tries to stick around you more than anyone else, but he doesn't get his way all the time.

Diavolo - It's his responsibility to attend this huge event since the kingdom will be looking forward to see him announce the start of a new year. He wouldn't be enjoying this event as much if it weren't for you and everyone else by his side, so he'll be sure to remind you all how grateful he is for the year. He also sets a few new resolutions for himself, which he hopes to achieve before the next year comes. Most of them are reasonable, and some of them even involve you.

Barbatos - He's probably just as excited as anyone else for such an occasion, but his simple smile that he always wears won't make it obvious to anyone. The only people that are able to read him are probably you and Diavolo. He also wants this moment to go well for the young prince, so he'll help Lucifer keep his brothers in line. Unlike everyone else, he's not too focussed on trying to grab your attention. He'll spend time with you when you're free and doesn't bother you too much.

Simeon - He's a little nervous to celebrate with the whole kingdom because he's not entirely sure how Luke or Raphael may feel about it. Once he sees them enjoying themselves, he'll feel more relieved and be able to enjoy himself too. He mingles with the Purgatory Hall members the most, but he still occasionally chats with the brothers. He understands that they don't want any more competition for you, but that doesn't stop him from swooping in when his moment comes.

Solomon - He's not used to celebrating a new year with so many of his close friends still around, but he loves the feeling and makes sure to appreciate every second of the night, especially when it's time spent with you. He thinks about bringing you back to the Human World so you can have the chance to celebrate the event with your own family, but he's aware that he doesn't have many New Year's with you left so he gets a little selfish this once and decides against it.

Luke - He loves the firework show and stares at it in complete awe, but it is a little too loud for him, so he'll hide behind Simeon out of habit. He still watches the sky light up with a smile spread wide across his face and he'll even clap in excitement during the countdown. He obviously wants to do the countdown with you, but with everyone else hogging you, he won't get the chance to so he'll be a little bit upset. But he doesn't let that ruin his mood and he'll keep smiling.

Raphael - Finds the whole event a bit excessive just to celebrate a new year coming, but he rolls with it. He's not a fan of how loud the crowd is during the countdown, nor is he happy with the volume of the fireworks, so he'll probably cover his ears when the show starts. He'd much prefer to stay in Purgatory Hall and observe the fireworks from there, but he puts up with it this one time because Simeon and Luke have been looking forward to this for a while.

Thirteen - She had a little role to play with the fireworks show so she'll definitely be excited to see them work. She'll bring it up whenever she's around you, trying to subtly brag and impress you with her efforts. She tries to bring you away from the brothers and have you to herself during the countdown so she can count the last seconds of the year with you. If her plan doesn't work out, she'll cooperate and settle with celebrating New Year's with everyone else alongside you.

Mephistopheles - He's happy to attend big events like this, it makes him feel important and it's a privilege for him to be seen as one of Diavolo's friends in front of a large crowd. As the countdown gets down to the last second, he'll be handed the honours of popping open a champagne bottle by the prince himself to officially declare the start of a new year. He wasn't fond of you and the brothers before, but you all start to grow on him as you celebrate New Year's together.

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