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another request! let's go! this was supposed to be a one shot but i seriously didn't know to write an anorexic reader without potentially offending someone. i've never gone through anything like anorexia, nor do i know anybody who has, so if anything may come off as offensive then i apologise. please alert me of it, i'll make sure to change it right away.

i know this scenario isn't going to be everyone's cup of tea so if this topic is something that makes you uncomfortable then i do suggest you skip this. 

thanks to the person who requested, i'm sorry i couldn't do the original idea of a one shot but thank you for being cooperative and for offering an alternative. i hope i didn't disappoint.

also, a little reminder: love yourself, you beautiful people 


Lucifer - Learning that you have anorexia won't change the way he feels about you. In fact, it only makes him care about you more since he wants to be there to always reassure you that you have nothing to be insecure about. He'll help you in any way possible to overcome it as well, trying to lift your self esteem whenever you look down on your body and helping you organise healthy mealtimes as a starting point.

Mammon - Almost ends up crying after you tell him, but holds himself back and only sheds a few tears. You mean everything to him and he doesn't know to respond after learning that you view your body so negatively to the point of starving. He does his best to make sure you love yourself the way he loves you and reminds you as much as possible that you're perfect no matter what, he'll also stick by your side more often.

Leviathan - He's quite understanding about this topic, since he knows how much low self esteem can impact someone. He handles the information rather well, offering you words of comfort and encouragement, and telling you that you don't have to worry about coming to him whenever you need someone to talk to. He also lets you know that he'll never look down on you, even when you do, so he hopes that you can do that too.

Satan - First off, he thanks you for feeling comfortable enough around him to tell him something like this, he knows how terrifying it is to share something you're insecure about. He'll try to introduce a few things he learned from books to help, but won't pile all the information on top of you if you don't want to hear it. If you want someone to turn to for comfort then he'll offer to be that person to reassure you that you're perfect.

Asmodeus - He's all too familiar with the feeling of needing to be underweight and maintaining body image, but he hates the fact that it's affecting you so negatively to the point where you hurting your own body. Offers a hug whenever you need and tries to promote self love, little by little and day by day. He'll make an effort to take care of you more, and makes sure to share heartwarming messages that will comfort you every day.

Beelzebub - He probably figures it out himself as he notices that you don't eat as much as you should, so you don't even have to tell him that you have anorexia for him to know. It's painful for him to see you starve yourself, so he'll do his best to encourage you to eat by offering you small portions to start off. He won't force you to eat if you really don't want to, but he really does try to make sure you eat something at least.

Belphegor - He just sits and listens to what you have to say, not knowing what to input as he's afraid of saying the wrong thing and making you feel worse about yourself. He consoles you with his actions rather than words, since he's not a very expressive person when speaking. He'll lie down beside you and spend time holding onto your hand, trying to show he adores you for who you are and not just your physical appearance.

Diavolo - He approached you first before you could even think of telling him about it. He's been worried about you lately since you've been eating less and less, he's also noticed that you've been losing an excessive amount of weight recently and that really left him feeling nervous. He won't force you to tell him anything but if you do, he'll appreciate it and assure you that he'll help you in any way possible whenever you need.

Barbatos - There was no hiding it from him since the beginning, especially when he pays extra close attention to you. His attentiveness helps him catch on to your behaviour when it comes to losing weight and he can't help but feel a little worried. When you tell him that you have anorexia, he'll make sure to care for you as much as he can as he makes you his number one priority. He'll give up all his time to be with you.

Simeon - Incredibly sympathetic towards you and understands why you'd go to those lengths, but becomes truly worried for your physical and mental health after you tell him. He really tries to comfort you by giving up any sort of free time to be around you. He'll perform small acts of kindness here and there, for example, he'll be cooking for you, and finding any reason to cuddle with you to show you how much he loves you.

Solomon - Always suspected that you had anorexia, considering how little you eat and weigh, but never brought it up with you since he didn't want to offend you by saying the wrong thing. Once his suspicions are confirmed, he'll open up his arms to you and give you a hug if you really need it. Reminds you that everyone around you loves for who you are so you shouldn't let any societal concepts get to you and hurt you like it has.

Luke - He doesn't fully comprehend what anorexia is so you'll have to explain it a little more to him. If you're not all too comfortable talking about it, he won't let you go any further than you have to and just squeezes you tight in a hug, hoping it'll make you feel better somehow. He'll tell you never to change any part of yourself because you're the most perfect role model in his eyes and that you have nothing to be insecure about.

Raphael - He could tell you're anorexic just by first glance even if you tried to hide it, and he won't hesitate to ask if you're alright. Though he usually maintains a cold demeanour in front of everybody, he has a more lenient and gentler side with you but he doesn't like to admit it. When he shows his concerns, you can tell it's genuine and he doesn't mind spending time talking to you about it as long as you're comfortable.

Thirteen - Might try to lighten up the mood with a gentle tease every now and then but quits it as soon as you show any signs of discomfort. She doesn't know how to really console people when it comes to serious issues like this but she'll make an effort just for you. She'll talk about what an amazing person you are and how everybody else loves and appreciates you for yourself so there's nothing for you to be insecure about.

Mephistopheles - Can't really add much to help you because he doesn't ever have to face any problems like this, but he gives whatever advice he can think of that might potentially be helpful. He'll have an awkward attempt at a heart-to-heart, starting by asking "Would you like to talk about it?" as he sits with you and tries to listen to what you have to say. At the end of the day, he'll tell you to accept yourself for who you are.

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