♡ ꜱᴛᴀʏ ʙᴇʜɪɴᴅ || ꜱᴏʟᴏᴍᴏɴ ♡

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School hours of R.A.D had officially ended over an hour ago but yet you remain in the dimly lit library of the academy, unlike the most of the other students. Stacking yourself up on textbooks, you wonder through each individual bookcase and scan each book for promising titles as you hope that at least one of them will be useful as study material.

You and the Avatars of Greed and Lust had arranged to be a study group tonight, and although you all promised to assist one another in areas that you consider your strongest, it was heavily implied that you'd be the one doing the majority of the work as the other two brothers have barely touched a pen in class, let alone read any lesson notes.

With you practically being assigned the role of a tutor, that leaves you where you are now, desperate for anything that might miraculously teach Mammon and Asmo all they need before walking into tomorrow's pop quiz.

Your hands run through the spines of all the books that are neatly lined up on the shelves while you roam about through the maze of wooden bookcases and Devildom books. The room remains still and quiet all the while as you're the only person left.

That's what you believe, at least.

An abrupt thud echoes from the aisle right behind you as a book hits the ground, sending cold shiver to shoot up your spine. You glance down and count the textbooks that you carry in your arms, making sure that you haven't dropped any and scared yourself from it.

The wind begins to pick up speed outside, rattling the windows and howling through the room. Your heartbeat picks up its pace too and the lump in your throat begins to build as you still have yet to figure out what, or who, caused the noise from before.

"(MC)? How come you're not at the House of Lamentations yet?" a voice suddenly joins the chorus of sounds in the room and a hand places itself on your shoulder from behind.

Startled and shaken, you let out a small yelp and your hands reflexively swing around with one book in hand as you let the rest drop to the floor, ready to defend yourself. You barely miss the face of the mysterious person yet to be identified, but they dodge your attack by a mere second. If they had moved even a second slower, the hardcover book would've broken their noise immediately.

"Wha- Who-?" you breathe shakily. Your eyes meet those of the sorcerer of Purgatory Hall. "Solomon?! Why'd you sneak up on me like that?!" you scold, enraged by the rollercoaster of emotions he put you through.

"That was my bad," Solomon admits. "But I guess we can call it even since you almost broke my face in two," he laughs off the aggressive encounter.

"Sure, whatever," you rub your head. "Help me pick the books up, please? I need to get back to Mammon and Asmo, and I'm already running late. I was trying to find something to help them out for the 'fun little pop quiz' we have tomorrow," you crouch down and start collecting the books from the ground. "What were you even doing here?"

Solomon crouches down with you, lending a helping hand as he picks up some of the textbooks for you and lessens the load by carrying them himself. "Well, that study group you were telling me about, Asmo invited me to join you. I told them I'd be over there as soon as possible but he sent me to look for you as you haven't returned home yet. I was given the hint that you might still be at R.A.D."

You gather the last of the books and stand back up, straightening your posture as you arise. "Oh, you're joining us? That's a relief, I didn't want to be the only one doing all the work. Let's face it, they're both doomed."

You manage to get a chuckle out of the sorcerer. "We can't lose faith that easily," he smiles. "If we hurry to them now then they might just have enough time to cram in whatever they need."

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