♡ ᴛʜᴇ ʙᴇꜱᴛ ᴍᴇᴅɪᴄɪɴᴇ || ʟᴜᴄɪꜰᴇʀ ♡

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i'd like to let everyone know that this request originally had a way more suspenseful and action filled plot that probably would've been a lot more interesting to read if i wrote it in full. unfortunately, i had to shorten it and cut off some parts because i couldn't fit it all into a one shot or two. 

my sincerest apologies to the person who requested, but also thank you so much! i hope i didn't let you down T^T


You enter the living room with two more warm glasses of water in hand and set them on the table while coughing fits are thrown all around you. Solomon rushes in with a few more blankets, like you asked, and distributes them to the demons who don't already have one covering them.

With the heating system currently warming up the room, you wipe a bead of sweat from your brows as both the heat and continuous running around begin to wear on you. Still, even with a few complaints in mind, you put your own discomforts aside for the moment and prioritise those who need attending to.

The week has been nothing but hectic for you ever since the brothers all managed to fall ill. You didn't catch the sickness that they've succumbed to, so you thought about it being nothing more than just a simple cold that only demons can catch. You also thought it would last no more than a day or two, but time proved you wrong. Ever since, you've been busy trying to nurse the boys back to health.

"(MC), do you have anymore blankets? I still feel cold," Belphie whines while wrapping the covers tighter around himself. "Can we go back into our rooms now?"

You place a hand on his forehead just to get an idea of how the fever's affecting him. As soon as your skin comes into contact with his, a few concerns begin to rise. "Just after I check your temperature, ok?" you assure him as you stick a medical thermometer into his mouth.

Watching the digits appear on the digital display window, you feel more relieved as you find out that his temperature is only just a little higher than what's considered to be the norm for demons. It's lower than the last time you checked so you're convinced that he's overcoming the sickness, slowly but surely.

Solomon looms over from behind and sneaks a peak at the readings. "They're getting better, I see. You're doing a wonderful job, (MC). I expected nothing less from someone with your experience."

You smile at the sorcerer as he brings up your past of working in the medical field. Before arriving at the Devildom, you studied as a medical student but didn't get a chance to pursue any career with your experience as you were brought into the exchange student program. You've barely brought up your background with medicine, but now it pays off to have that knowledge.

"Thanks, Solomon, but I don't think you should start with the compliments just yet. We don't even know if they really are getting better or not. Their temperatures might just be having a temporary swing or something, for all we know," you say as you quickly rinse the thermometer with warm water and sanitise it for its next use.

One by one, the brothers have their temperatures checked before you allow them to return to their rooms to get more rest, which you advise strongly. You ask that Solomon accompanies them along the way, an extra precaution you're taking, to be safe. Each one of them appear to be getting well, an improvement compared to last week's results.

All seems to be going well until you reach Lucifer. Once you look at the numbers that indicate his temperature, your lips twist into a slight frown as the readings show no change from the last time you checked.

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