♡ ꜱʟᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ (ᴘᴛ. ꜰɪᴠᴇ) - ꜱᴡᴇᴇᴛ ᴅʀᴇᴀᴍꜱ || ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ ɢᴀɴɢ ♡

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"Haunted houses?" you repeat, thrown off by such a strange and unexpected answer from Thirteen. "What are you even planning? It better not get you into any trouble or cause a hassle," you advise, fully aware of the possible consequences she could receive for being too extreme with her 'small' pranks and jokes.

The reaper smiles with her eyes and claps her hands together, "Oh, (MC). Just you wait and see. It's going to be quite the spectacle."

Her last words to you promise a scene and she leaves her glowstick behind on the ground before she fades into the darkness of the house, engulfed by shadows as she disappears from sight. The mission she sets out to complete is an ambitious one, but knowing her determination, she won't fail to fulfill the task.

Asmo taps his lips with his finger, "What do you think she's going to do? Thirteen's so unpredictable sometimes but at least she'll make things fun. Aw, I wish I could record this..."

You take out your own device as the Avatar of Lust frowns at the thought of missing the opportunity to save the moment in digital form. Waving your D.D.D in front of his face, you grin. "I've got mine still. It doesn't have much juice left but I'm pretty sure there's enough to record a full video."

He happily takes it from your hands, but doesn't forget to squeeze you tight in a hug as thanks after. Mammon returns seconds later with a scoop of the dessert, sitting down next to you.

"(MC), ya gotta try some of this sundae," the second born holds out the spoon for you, inviting you to steal a bite. "It's got the perfect level of sweetness. Simeon and Luke really know their stuff," he compliments the two angels' skills, but doesn't acknowledge his brother's efforts in the mix.

You - craving something sweet to pair with all the savoury foods you've eaten - oblige to the offer with no hesitation and cheerfully bite down on the spoon to get a taste of the ice cream. "Ooh, this tastes good," you smack your lips then open your mouth for another bite. Mammon doesn't complain about feeding you one more spoonful of his dessert.

"Told ya. If you still want a bowl yourself then I'll get ya some," he kindly proposes. "Gotta make up your mind fast. Last I checked, there was only a little left and Beel might make it there before I do-"

He cuts himself off immediately as soon as he feels little droplets of rain prick the back of his neck. Whipping his head around, Mammon finds the windows opened wide and letting in the storm. Glass panes begin shaking, rattling. Curtains fly in the strong gusts of wind. You and the fifth born lock eyes, the only ones knowing who unleashed the chaos.

"Which one of you opened all the windows? Have you any idea what you're doing?!" Lucifer roars, enraged by the mess that the weather's bringing into the living room. His first suspect would usually be Mammon, but he quickly removes him from the list as he realises the Avatar of Greed has been by your side for a majority of the night.

The eldest then narrows his eyes at Satan and Belphie, the two thorns on his side who always intentionally set up all sorts of mischief for their oldest brother.

"What? You think we did this?" Belphie sounds offended by the accusations being thrown his way. "I couldn't care less about making you mad right now, I just want to sleep."

"I have better things to do too. I've made it my goal to read a chapter every night before I sleep," the fourth born gives his fair share of explanations as he waves the book in hand for proof. "Besides, if I wanted to annoy you only, I wouldn't pull something that annoys everyone else. Do you really think I'm an idiot?"

Diavolo intervenes amongst the discord. "We can sort that out later, how about we close the windows first? All this rain and wind, it'd be a shame for it to ruin the party," he shuts the windows and locks them tight to prevent any similar incidents from occurring again.

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