♡ ꜱʟᴜᴍʙᴇʀ ᴘᴀʀᴛʏ (ᴘᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ) - ᴍɪᴅɴɪɢʜᴛ ꜰᴇᴀꜱᴛ || ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ ɢᴀɴɢ ♡

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The little angel claps his hands, "Oh! If we can't order pizza then why don't we make some ourselves? Do you have topping ingredients here?" Luke turns to Mammon, more comfortable with the Avatar of the Greed than any of the other brothers.

The second eldest only shrugs, providing no help, "Probably, I dunno. Ask Beel or somethin', he knows the kitchen better than all of us combined."

"Yes, we do have ingredients. It's all in the pantry. If we want to cook our food in time before we doze off then I suggest we begin now," Lucifer answers instead as Mammon's unable to. His expression shifts to one of sheer disappointment as his brothers demonstrate that they barely know their own home.

Barbatos is the first to stand and rise to the occasion, dusting off his knees and straightening his posture after having knelt for so long. "He's correct. The dough would take some time to make and rise, and we still need to decide on our toppings. I'm also certain that we'll need more than just pizza to keep us all from starving."

The butler is understood to be an expert chef among the group, the best in the culinary arts with Simeon coming close in second place. With everyone relying on the two for food, it's no surprise that all of you heed his advice and follow his commands once he hustles to the kitchen.

Lanterns and candles illuminate the room, and the burning fire clouds the place with the thick stench of smoke. As everybody gathers around, the butler takes charge and quickly dominates the scene as he organises you all into groups based on what category he figures you'd perform best in, hoping that resorting to this method would result in the efficiency he expects. It's clear that he's confident in his own skills of judgement as he splits everybody off without spending even a breath second-guessing himself. a breath second-guessing himself.

Simeon, Luke and Asmo are instructed to come up with dessert, or anything sweet in general. Satan, Beel, Diavolo and Lucifer, on the other hand, are handed the responsibility of dealing with the dough and receive the order to make enough for five pizzas. You, Solomon and Mephisto are the lucky few who get to choose the toppings for your pizzas while Raphael, Levi and Belphie have to cut up fresh fruit as a refreshing side. The remaining chaotic two, Thirteen and Mammon, are left with Barbatos himself.

"Aw, that's a little unfair," Thirteen protests. "Why does everyone else get to do the cooking? I wouldn't mind helping out in the kitchen."

Diavolo puts on a smile, "I'm sure Barbatos has a good reason. He's wonderful at organising and he knows how to get the job done. Have a little more faith in him."

Mammon scoffs, "Easy for you to say. You actually get to do the fun stuff!"

Unfazed by the bothersome grumbles, the butler simply ignores what the two have to say about his leadership and shows them to a separate working station as the rest of the groups divide and conquer. Your team of three decide to head to the pantry first, to dig out the possible pizza toppings in the house.

For the sake of everybody else's taste buds, you instruct Solomon to stay out of the pantry and clear out a space to place the ingredients. Trusting Mephisto's palate, you leave him to pick out what he thinks would be best. And of course, he chooses to use the toppings that are leaning towards the more expensive side.

While Mephisto finishes picking ingredients that would usually be found on his shopping list, you hop in next to decide on more "homely" and basic toppings. You're unsure of what each and every person in the group prefers so you try your best to grab a little bit of everything.

"Um... A little help, please?" you cry for assistance as the tower of jars and unopened bags you carry in your arms grows too tall.

The sorcerer wastes no time in rushing to your side, taking the few items stacked on top off of your hands. "Careful, (MC)," Solomon chuckles as he catches one of the packages that managed to slide off before it can hit the ground. "You shouldn't burden yourself with this. Here, you can give half the stack to me if you want."

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