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this one's a request for mammon! to the person who requested, thank you for being patient and i'm really sorry for the long wait. having a bit of struggle catching up haha...

anyways, this request kinda reminds me of that one devilgram 'one too many insults', except mammon actually has someone he can turn to this time.

AND pronouns for MC here are they/them (don't know if i really mentioned pronouns tho). 

happy reading :D 


"I already told ya, those witches are lyin'! I already paid 'em the full amount, they're just tryna' get more money from me!" the second born pleads his case as the volume of his voice only gets louder and louder.

You don't blame him for shouting. Surrounded by his brothers, the confrontation is more than he can bear and it's no wonder he's becoming more defensive.

The Avatar of Greed is known for his habit of borrowing more money than he can repay and despite the countless times he had attempted to pull off this scheme, nothing good ever comes of it for him. Whenever Mammon bites off more than he can chew, it's quick to report back to the House of Lamentations and he always receives the short end of the stick when it comes to the punishments given. No matter if he's in the wrong or right.

This time round, Lucifer had gotten the news of yet another one of Mammon's loans but unlike other days, he received the message from the direct lenders themselves. A trio of witches, all who insisted that the second born tried to make shortcuts and didn't return the right amount of Grimm which they were promised.

Of course, the eldest had his fair share of doubts at first, but he figured this wasn't unlike his brother. That led to the current event of Mammon's interrogation.

"Mammon, you seriously can't be trying to get out of this. Just pay them back what you owe, and while you get to that, you better give me my money back too!" Levi joins the scolding.

Asmo sighs and shakes his head, disappointed that his older brother still has yet to learn his lesson but hiding somewhat of a smile as he's eager to watch some sort of drama unfold. "At this rate, you might as well give them your precious little Goldie, Mammon. There's no way you'll ever pay off what you owe. You can't even give Levi his money back!"

Infuriated by his brothers' lack of trust in him, Mammon's gestures start to become intense and exaggerated, his hands frantically waving in the air. "Hey! Ya really gonna go believin' some random strangers over your own brother? You call yourselves family?!"

Being the only one willing to listen to what he has to say, you rest a reassuring hand on his shoulder before he can lose his cool any further. "Mammon, calm down for a second. Breathe, ok?" you pat his back.

Satan scoffs, "Don't tell me you're taking his word for it, (MC). He's always trying to play innocent when it comes to this, you're too easy on him."

The eldest falls over to the fourth born's side, "Satan's right. You can't be too trusting, especially when it comes to Mammon."

The final straw is drawn and the Avatar of Greed doesn't hold back the anger that's been boiling inside since his brothers showed him undeserved hostility. "Y'know what, I've had it with you all! I said I paid the right amount already. Ya never listen to anythin' I have to say, so why do I need to listen to any of you?" he strikes back before storming out of the room.

"Mammon, hang on," you try to call him back, hoping for there to be some reasoning between the conflicting sides to sort out the misunderstandings. But he doesn't return, even after your voice reaches him.

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