♡ ꜱɴᴏᴡʏ ɢᴇᴛᴀᴡᴀʏ (ᴘᴛ. ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ) - ꜱɴᴏᴡꜱᴛᴏʀᴍ || ᴏʙᴇʏ ᴍᴇ ɢᴀɴɢ ♡

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With everyone worrying their heads off about the lost Luke, Diavolo arranges an immediate plan. "We need split up and look for him. I know it sounds ridiculous but we can cover more ground that way."

Barbatos nods and agrees, "Perhaps we should be in groups. After all, there's safety in numbers," he raises his voice a little louder as the howling of the wind makes it difficult for everyone to hear. "Simeon, I suggest you head back to the cabin. I assure you that we'll return with Luke."

The angel opens his mouth but closes it before he can argue. He knows better to trust the demon who has the power to see into the future, despite his urge to help in the search. Solomon places a comforting hand on Simeon's shoulders and offers to go back with him, knowing full well that Simeon will feel guilty for being the only one to not go looking for Luke.

"We need to hurry. Who knows how long Luke can tolerate with this weather," Lucifer pulls his coat in closer. "(MC), Mammon, you two are coming with me. Levi, go with Satan and Asmo. Beel and Belphie, I presume you'll stick together."

The brothers don't seem to have much of a problem with the arrangement, apart from Mammon. Like always.

"Hey, wait a minute! Why can't it just be (MC) and I? This ain't fair!" Mammon whines.

Lucifer raises a stern brow and folds his arms across his chest, slowly lacking patience. "In case you haven't already noticed, you're an absolute idiot so you'll probably get (MC) and yourself lost without my supervision. And I doubt anyone will want to go on a rescue mission for three missing people."

"I mean, we can always just leave Mammon," Levi half-jokingly recommends an idea of his own.

The eldest brother shakes his head and cuts the complaints short, "Enough with this, Mammon and (MC) are coming with me and that's final. Diavolo, Barbatos, you'll be helping with the search, yes?"

The demon prince and his butler nods. "I suggest we get a head start, my lord. Lucifer seems fully capable of disciplining his brothers on his own," Barbatos tells Diavolo and the two head further into the woods, their figures no longer visible as the snowstorm consumes them.

As the brothers also begin to look for Luke, Solomon stops you in your tracks before you can join Lucifer and Mammon

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As the brothers also begin to look for Luke, Solomon stops you in your tracks before you can join Lucifer and Mammon. He hands you a book, one covered in strange looking circles, and you carefully take it into your hands. You look the sorcerer in the eyes, practically asking for an explanation with all the confusion written on your face.

"A spell book," he says. "It contains only basic defensive and protective spells but it should be enough to keep you safe from... whatever's out there."

You grip onto it tightly. "Thank you. I'll bring it back, I promise," you walk over to the two waiting for you.

"(MC), wait!" Solomon calls out to you.

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