♡ ᴜɴᴅᴇʀ ᴛʜᴇ ꜱᴋɪᴇꜱ ♡

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this request asked for a mammon and belphie one shot (but a little more leaning towards belphie), so here we are! also, she/her pronouns will be used for MC here.

thank you to the person who requested, it's a such a sweet slice-of-life style idea.


"Aw, c'mon!" Mammon whines frustratingly as he holds a hand above his eyes in search. "There's no way he could've hid it that far! It's gotta be here somewhere! (MC), are ya thinkin' the same thing?" he turns his head to you for an answer.

Not too far behind him, you attend to an out-of-breath and overworked Belphie who's travelled as far as he can. "Hmm?" you lift your head to face the Avatar of Greed, barely remembering what he had just said. "Um... Sure, yeah."

Your half-hearted reply gives Mammon a hint of just how much attention you were paying him. "You weren't listenin', were ya?" he sets his hands on his hips, crossed with your lack of focus on the task ahead. His gaze then shifts to his younger brother, "Argh-! Seriously, Belphie, why'd ya come along if ya can't keep up! Now you're just dead weight."

The seventh born tosses Mammon an offended glare as he complains about his ability to catch up with the both of you. "You're one to talk about being dead weight to people, who's always the one in crushing debt compared to the rest of us?" Belphie bites back with a much harsher - but true - insult.

"Yeah? Well, ya shouldn't have dragged your lazy butt all the way out here with us in the first place! (MC), help me out here, will ya?"

"Complain all you want. Wait till Lucifer hears what you're doing. He doesn't even have to hear it from me, he'll probably just find out himself because you're so predictable."

The sudden threat Belphie announces silences Mammon within a millisecond as he'd hate to be hung from the ceiling by the eldest again. If Lucifer finds about this secret mission of his, then that won't be the only punishment he'll have to go through tonight.

Mammon had eavesdropped on a discussion between Lucifer and the demon prince not that long ago, and he heard the news of Lucifer being tasked to hide something. Something confidential and important.

Of course with Mammon's mindset, he believed that mysterious something had to be a treasure of some sort worth millions. That was when he dragged you into his search, and Belphie happened to come along as he was resting on your lap when Mammon came bursting in with the information.

At first, the Avatar of Greed brought his younger brother along to prevent him from spilling the secret to anybody else. But now that he's proving to be a bit of pain in the long run, you can tell that Mammon's regretting his decision.

You give Belphie a look that tells him to shut up, then you turn to Mammon. "If you really want to go on with this then maybe it's best we give Belphie a break for now. A rest won't hurt. Plus, we have a better chance of finding whatever it is with three people instead of two. So let him stay, ok?"

You provide a good enough reason to keep the Avatar of Sloth around and the second born lets the sibling feud go for the time being.

"Fine, we'll take a break, but only for a bit," Mammon finally gives you all time to catch your breath.

Your legs have been begging for rest since a while ago, but you didn't want to be the one to anger Mammon so you didn't mention it to him. You silently thank Belphie in your mind and sit yourself down on one of the many benches in the street.

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