♡ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ʜᴏʟᴅꜱ ♡

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a really casual and simple request, this one. in short, asmo, solomon and MC talk about what lies ahead of them and what they plan to do in the near future (which i have to do myself soon :') i hate growing up sometimes). as this is a male reader request, he/him pronouns will be used.

thank you the person who requested. it was calm and relaxing to write so i was really able to take my time. i loved it.


Noon transforms into evening as the day becomes chillier the closer it draws to an end. Strolling down the once busy streets of the Devildom, you and Solomon both carry a handful of shopping bags while Asmo holds on to the lighter weights of the shopping spree you three had just been on.

Arms and legs both weary, you begin to slow down in pace as the bottom of your feet are numb from the ache. "Asmo, we've walked for hours," you point out to the Avatar of Lust. "I want to sit for a minute or two. My feet are killing me."

Solomon sighs, relieved. His arms drop to his side, "(MC) does have a point. We could all do with a break. You... You might not need to."

"Oh, but I wanted to get home early and sort these into my wardrobe already," Asmo begins to complain and whine like a child. "Surely you two can walk just a bit more," he motivates you two for his own benefit, not even considering the fact that he's carrying the lesser rewards of the shopping trip.

"Asmo, please. Just give us a minute, or even a few seconds. It would've been helpful if you actually carried some of these bags, then maybe we wouldn't be as tired," you bite back a little harsher than you intend.

Your words manage to send the right message however, and the Avatar of Lust takes the hint. His expression, once filled with annoyance, now shifts to a more understanding guilt as he glances down at the bountiful packages on the ground.

"What was I thinking? I thought it'd be fun trip to the mall for everybody... I got a little carried away at the end, I guess. (MC), I'm so sorry for making you carry all these. Your poor muscles," he rubs your shoulder soothingly.

Solomon clears his throat, "Um... What about me? Don't I get an apology too?"

"I'm sure you're strong enough to carry everything else by yourself," the fifth born tosses the sorcerer aside as he attends to you instead. But after giving it some thought, Asmodeus decides on something to make up for all the struggles he put you two through. "You know what? How about dinner at Hell's Kitchen together? It'll be my treat."

The offer's too good to pass on, so of course you and Solomon agree on his compromise. Along with the free meal, the restaurant itself isn't too far ahead and also conveniently on your way home, to your luck.

Dinner service doesn't seem to be all too busy just yet when you and the group walk inside, with only a couple tables being currently used. The three of you manage to get a table near the far end of the restaurant, away from all the noise coming from the kitchens.

Taking your seats, you three slide all your shopping bags underneath the table, then easily pick your usuals from the menu and start the patient wait for your food. As you do, your attention scatters across the restaurant and your eyes dart left right, never staying in one place for more than five seconds.

Eventually, your attention returns to the bags on the floor, and your feet lightly tilt them towards yourself so that you can take a quick look at what's inside again. One bag holds plenty of new clothes of the newest fashion trend, while another contains expensive fabrics and accessories.

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