♡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ɴᴏᴛ-ꜱᴏ-ᴜɴʟᴜᴄᴋʏ ɴᴜᴍʙᴇʀ || ᴛʜɪʀᴛᴇᴇɴ ♡

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sO.... this request has been on the waiting list for like a year now (MY APOLOGIES), and i finally got round to writing it :') 

i cannot stress enough that i still haven't gotten to know the new characters too well yet, so do expect thirteen to be a little (or even completely) ooc. 

thank you to whoever requested though, it's the first request for a new character. i also wanna apologise once again for the long wait.


Of all the things you'd be doing today, you can't believe that hiding in a bush alongside Thirteen is one of them. Camouflaged among the leaves, the two of you spectate one of the many traps that the reaper had set up today from the best position possible. A safe distance from the trap itself, but not too far that you can't see what happens.

"Hey, Thirteen? How much longer do we need to stay put?" you ask as your legs begin to cramp after having been crouching for the entire duration of waiting. "I'm getting tired."

She narrows her eyes, "You asked to see what I do for fun, right? This is what I do, and it takes patience. Now shush, he could be here any second."

You can't argue. She's right about you interfering with her daily life.

Despite her joining the exchange program as a new student at R.A.D, you and Thirteen had barely interacted since then because her role as a reaper kept her more than occupied. Along with that reason, she's not entirely a fan of any of the people you usually hang around with, especially Solomon. The only person that you know she's somewhat close with is Luke, and that's only because she gets sweets from him.

Not knowing an awful lot about her, of course you became intrigued in what she usually does as a reaper, expecting her life to be on the morbid side. Much to your surprise, she revealed that she has a special little hobby of pulling the occasional pranks.

You believe the one that you're witnessing right now - a deep hole dug into the ground that's well disguised against the path and filled with all sorts of smelly junk at the bottom - is just a small preview to what Thirteen's really capable of. It's also a little sneak peek to her boldness since she's set her target on one of the seven demon brothers.

The Avatar of Sloth leaves the house with eyes half open, covering his mouth as he yawns after being just woken up. Barely paying attention to the road ahead of him, he trudges ahead without giving his steps a second thought.

Thirteen watches the youngest brother with eager and anticipating eyes while you spectate with mixed feelings. On one hand, you can't help but feel sorry having to see Belphie fall into a trap first thing after awaking, but on the other, you want to see how this supposed prank plays out.

Belphie, unsuspecting of any danger, slowly drags himself closer and closer all the while the reaper's grin grows wider and wider each second.

The seventh born eventually reaches the trap and prepares to take another step as he places a foot down on the light covering that hides the pit of garbage. Expecting a surface for him to put his foot on, the sudden sinking feeling he senses instead sends him straight down to the bottom to join the filthy rubbish inside and ambushes him with shock.

Thirteen leaps from the bush, triumphant and joyous. "Haha!" she laughs victoriously while punching a fist in the air. "Operation Garbage Can worked perfectly! Let's check out the rascal we caught, human."

You follow the excited reaper to the pit and upon nearing the deep crevice in the ground, all you can smell is the stench accumulating from the filth collected at the bottom. You're clueless as to how Belphie didn't manage to smell the pungent stink of it before he fell inside.

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