♡ ʏᴏᴜʀ ʙᴜʀɢᴇʀ ʙᴜᴅᴅʏ || ʙᴇᴇʟᴢᴇʙᴜʙ ♡

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I tried to include time skips for the first time in forever, did it work out well? hopefully it did and hopefully I didn't skip too much (or too less, I might've dragged it on again?)


Hell's Kitchen is rowdier than ever. All demons, wizards and witches of the Devildom have all coincidentally decided to gather in the same restaurant and on the same day that you have. The day was already horrible enough and now it only gets worse, you can't even enjoy a simple evening meal in peace.

"A mere human mortal? What is she doing here?"

"She should leave, she's stinking up the place with her human essence."

"Someone call the exterminators, we have a pest problem," a wizard jokes, making everyone snicker.

You roll your eyes as you hear the gossip and whispers about you coming from the surrounding tables. Blocking them out, you continue to finish off the food on your plate. The sooner it's empty, the sooner you can leave. You aren't even supposed to be here in the first place.

You had an argument with Lucifer earlier and out of anger, you slapped him. He didn't really do anything, he didn't even look mad, but you were terrified for your life so you ran for it, without saying or doing anything else. It was either a bold or dumb decision for you to roam the Devildom without any of the brothers with you.

As you clear the plate, a fist slams onto the table. Startled, you flinch a little and look up to meet the flaming red eyes of a demon, standing behind him are two other demons, all of them looking intimidating. You don't want to seem nervous in front of them, it could attract more attention and that's the last thing you want right now.

"Can I help you?" you try to sound as brave as possible.

The demon smirks, "Now, what's a pretty lil' human like you doing out 'ere all alone? Ya lost? I can help ya find yer way back home."

His proximity's too much for you to bare, his breath smells of ash and he has an aura that makes you shudder with discomfort. You lean back and attempt to leave but he grabs on your wrist with an intensely tight grip that it stings your wrist. You yelp in pain and try to break free from the demon's grasp.

"Bit rude to walk way without answering, don't ya think? Think it's best ya learn some manners."

Nobody comes to break the tension, they all stare, they all watch, and whisper. "Wait a minute, isn't that the human who's part of Lord Diavolo's exchange program? I swear I've seen her hanging out with those powerful demon brothers."

Hearing this alerts one of the demon's henchmen, they tap him on the shoulder. "You idiot, stop! She's with Lord Diavolo, if someone reports this back to him we're dead meat!" they warn.

"Too late," you hear a familiar deep voice coming from behind the demon.

Beelzebub? Why was he here? You should be comforted by this, but it only makes you all the more nervous now that he's here and seeing you like this, if the brother's find out they'll never trust you to go anywhere by yourself anymore.

The demon who has taken hold of you has no clue who he's messing with, "Look mate, I'm not a good mood. I'll deal with the human then-," he stops.

He scans Beel from head to toe, trembling as the Avatar of Gluttony towers over him with his muscular build. The henchmen take a step back, afraid to get in a fistfight that's bound to come soon.

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