🥀The Past🥀

585 49 42

Vanessa Collins

"The boss wants to see you".

I looked up at Romario before he smirked at me and left the room. The other girls were looking at me but the most concerned was Alexa, who introduced me to this kind of work. I glanced in the mirror once more before getting up and leaving the girls lounge area.

My heels clicked on the floor as I made my way down the long hall and stopped at my boss Zed's office door. I knocked and waited until I hear his approval for me to enter. He was seated around his desk one finger in his teeth while his other hand was on his lap.

"You know why I called you in here?"

His voice was rough and always gave me the creeps. I shook my head no as a smirk formed on his lips. My hands played with the hem of my mesh thigh high stockings. 2 years ago I was no one, I had no money, no family, nothing. That was until Alexa and I met. She told me of the work she did and that she was earning so much money. After our conversation she told me that she would talk to her boss to let me in the business.

I was accepted but not before I did some unspeakable things that I never imagine myself doing. I lost my virginity to a 50 year old man who's only sexual fantasy was pushing his fingers into a woman's mouth. After that, well, I became a stripper and started working. I haven't slept with many men but I dance every night. The girls and I became very close and then everything flowed from there. I made my money but then I didn't really need it because Zed provided me with  everything that I needed.

I was brought back from my thoughts by a shuffling sound. Zed had stood up and was walking over to me. I met him halfway and he wrapped his arms around my slim waist.

"You've been working really hard, I decided to give you a promotion", he whispered in my ear before letting go off my body and going back to his desk. I stood confusingly as he just sat down and stared at me.

"Harris wants a special day with you tomorow".

My body froze at what he said. I couldn't belive my ears and I got somewhat angry when he chuckled.

"That's your promotion. Harris will come to pick you up tomorrow, make sure you give him the best time ever. Don't disappoint me, he payed some good money".

He smirked widely before pointing towards the door. I looked at him for the longest before walking out and slamming the door. I ran a hand through my hair. I don't want to be sold to that fat, bald man. The things I've heard about him and what he does to girls are pure terrifying.

If I couldn't withstand the torture he does the girls I will surely die. A few girls were taken from here to him and only one returned at that time. He has a sadistic way of getting pleasure from women and I hated it.

What could I do?

I owed Zed everything but now I realized that I can't work for him anymore. Besides, if he wants to sell me to Harris - does this means he wants to get rid of me?. I went to the bathroom and look in the mirror. My eyes looked furious from underneath my lashes.

Was this the real me?

Throughout the time I worked, I never once said to myself that I was better than this. I had a account that I hid from Zed about 3 months ago because if he knew about it, he would suggest that I was planning to leave him. He only knows about the money I earn from dancing.

It was time for me to change and leave this place for good. No more dancing for me, I should've never done it in the first place. I sighed and washed my face before leaving the bathroom.

I went back to the lounge and pulled Alexa aside. Her eyes were laced with worry as she crossed her arms and gave me her attention.

"I'm leaving this place", I whispered to her making sure no one heard us.

"W Why? What happened?", she said clearly trying to comprehend what I just said.

"I can't work here anymore. Zed sold me for the day me to Harris and you know what he does to girls and I'm not ready to die yet. I'm leaving tonight when we go home, I've made up my mind".

She was quiet a she stared at me as if trying to figure out if I was completely sane at this moment.

"Just keep it to yourself please, I just want a better life and now I realize that",I say as she nod. I hugged her and kissed her cheek before walking away and to where the cocktails were. I took up one but I didn't sip too much.

"Ladies, it's time to earn some money", I heard a rough voice say as I saw Romario smirking at the girls. They started hurrying out but I remained.

"Aren't you going to dance?".

I turned and walked up to him. I ran a hand down his broad chest as I heard him groan deeply.

"No I'm not. The boss sold me to Harris and I have to stay reserved until he's done with me".

He nod in understanding before stepping away. He wasn't aloud to touch any of the girls unless he would be in trouble. He left the room and I hurried and locked it. My heart starter beating rapidly as I went to my room. Yes, we have to live here but it wasn't a run down room that was unfit to stay in. It was a large room shared by four of us girls. I took off all the clothes I had and changed into something comfortable. I packed my bag as I felt my heart rising faster against my chest. I made sure to take my credit card from where I hid it and stuffed it in my jeans.

From the distance I heard the sound of the door being kicked down.


I zipped the suitcase and pulled it from the bed. I left the room running as fast as I could down the long hall.


I started to run faster. I wasn't going to let him catch me. I reached the door that led down the stairs but it was locked. I took a pin from my hair and started prying the lock open. I looked back and saw a angry Zed with his bodyguards behind him from the distance. I moved faster and in no time it was open.


I bent and screamed as I hurried down the stairs. I knew I won't make it if I continued with the suitcase so I dropped it and ran as fast as I could when I reached the last stepped. I went down the other step that led to the ally and by this time I was out of breath. I wasn't going to give up thou. I continued running, I ran until I had to stop. I checked my surroundings but there was no sign of them.


I screamed as I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned around to see a very concerned man looking at me.

"Are you alright? Why are you breathing so hard?".

"Are you with them -


It felt like I was about to have a heart  attack. They were going to find me and bring me back, well that's if they don't kill me first.

" Do you need a ride? ".

I shook my head yes as I tried to catch my breath and suddenly I was lifted off the ground by the guy and he carried me towards a car that was parked in the shadows. He started it and looked at me before he drove off.

"If I'm risking my life for you, you have to promise to tell me everything".

I nod as fast as I could and he started the car and drove away. I rest my head back and closed my eyes.

This was just the beginning of my life.


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