🥀Chapter Twenty Four🥀

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I was staring at myself in the mirror when I heard Devin telling me that Franco has arrived. After hours of digging I finally found a black knee length dress and a thin scarf to throw over it. I wore my black flats and my hair was loose on my shoulders. I wasn't the owner of makeup because why paint on a pretty face to hide the scars when the real damage is deep down inside?.

I took up my black clutch before leaving the room and going downstairs. I heard talking and as I got closer I saw Devin and Franco deep in a conversation. They stopped when they noticed me and I smiled slightly as I went up to them. Franco was well dressed in a tuxedo. A silver brooch was on his pocket and his hair was nicely styled.

"You look stunning", both guys said at the same time as I chuckled and they looked at each other. Franco's eyes met mine and they held lust and something else...something I may find out later on.

"Well, let's get going", he said as he stood and led the way. I glanced over my shoulder at Devin and he smiled and gave me a 'thumbs up'. I laughed to myself as I followed Franco outside. The car door was opened by the guards and we both got in the back. I clutched onto the scarf as I looked out the window.

Franco was awfully quiet even thou this wasn't the closest we've been. I looked at him but he was already watching me. Like a prey. His hand reached out and pushed some of my hair behind my ear. He did the same with the other side before smiling satisfyingly.

"You should wear it like that ; looks so beautiful".

I half smiled before turning away and continued to stare at the buildings as they pass us by. I struggled to stop my mind from wondering and over thinking things. I should just be calm and let life plays itself out.

"So where are we going?", I say trying to lighten the mood. Franco looked nervous which was quite odd because I should be the one who's nervous. He ran a hand through his hair before placing his head in his hands.

"Are you ok?" I say as I reached out to him and grasped his shoulder. He looked up at me before smiling and placing a hand on my cheek.

"I honestly don't know how to feel Vanessa" he replied as I got more and more confused. Was there something he wasn't telling me? Upon that thought I pulled back and placed my hands on my lap.

"I'm taking you to one of the best restaurants I know", he said as I looked at him immediately. He just changed his entire mood. He only sighed before relaxing into his seat and taking out his phone.

I really couldn't figure him out.


About half an hour later the car came to a halt and then the door was opened for us. Franco got out and held his hand for me and I took it as I exit the car. The place was definitely expensive but very well designed nonetheless ; from the interior to the exterior.

"Shall we?".

I looked at him before taking his arm as he escorted me inside. I got a few stares from men and glares from the women they were with. I started to become puzzled when Franco continued walking not stopping at any table. I kept quiet as I followed him down a long hall and towards an elevator.

"Franco? Where are -

"We're going up", he replied cutting me off as I nod slightly and went inside with the elevator with him. When we started to ascend I felt his hand on my waist getting lower and lower. I pulled away and made some space between us. Both of us didn't say anything but a few seconds later he spoke.

"Why are you acting Vanessa? It's not like you're not used to it?".

I was about to ask what he was getting at but the elevator came to a stop. The door opened and he walked out and into a dining area. There was a small table in the centre and a few candles lit up the room. It was romantic but I didn't want to even think about romance at a time like this.

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