🥀Chapter Twenty Nine🥀

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I was halfway down the stairs when her eyes met mine. She smiled very brightly before resting her cup on the glass table. I walked up to where she was and she got up and held her hands out. Up close she seemed as if she was in her late forties with a few strands of grey hair invading her black ones. She had a nice complexion to that of caramel and her cheeks were puffy.

"Hello, who are you? Are you Mr. Lenetti's future wife?", she asked grabbing my hands and looking at me which so much hope.

"No, of course not. I'm vanessa, I'm his personal assistant", I say as her face fell but only slightly. She still had a look of hope in her eyes but why?.

"Oh, well I'm Margaret but you can call me Iris. I am the maid here. If there's anything you need you can ask me", she said before sitting back down. I sat beside her enjoying the comfy ness of the couch. Everything in this house was comfy, even the solid tiled floor.

"I never thought there was anyone here", I say as she laughed before taking up her cup. She took a sip before giving me her attention.

"You see, I've been working here for a few years now but back then, things weren't easy for me. After about a year of working as a janitor, I finally quit and went to find a much better job. I saw an ad for a maid position and I applied. At first it was a challenge for me being black and all but then I was hired by Mr. Lenetti. I did everything right and ensure the house was well kept. After about three weeks of working, I got kicked out of my apartment by my racist landlord. I didn't have cash at that time to actually get another room so I asked for a place to stay here".

Wow. She had such a struggle. There was always a story behind everyone no matter how dark and deep it is. You can judge someone on the way they behave but have you ever thought about asking them why they were like that? It's a hard world and some people grew up tough enough to defend themselves while some can't handle what life throws at them.

"My room is on the lower floor, if you want to talk a bit you can always check for me. Is there anything you'd like to know?".

"Yes, so do you stay here all the time ; I mean he lives in New York", I asked as she nod slowly.

"Yes I do, I keep the place decent until he comes to stay for business meetings. He was always a busy man but I think he would make a wonderful husband to his future wife".

I looked at her wondering if there was something she was withholding from me. He was the most arrogant person I've ever met and I'm sure his future wife wouldn't be too happy about getting shouted at or being overpowered.

"Ok...but why did you think I was his future wife when you just saw me?", I asked the one question I was seriously confused about.

"Because you're the first woman he brought here. Even if you're just his personal assistant, this is quite intriguing for me. There must be something about you, maybe it's how efficiently you work? I'm not entirely sure but...".

This made no sense at all. He had a lot of personal assistants ofcourse so why didn't he bring them here? Not even Tiffany?. Something was seriously going on but I came to paris to get a wonderful experience, not to investigate.

"Thanks for telling me, I didn't know. I want to explore the rest of the house, I'll talk to you later", I say as she nod and smiled once more.

"Ofcourse, I'll see you at dinner time".

I left the couch and went the same direction Mordechai came. However I turned left and down some steps that led to what seemed like a lounge room. The seats were very detailed and the room was just beautiful overall. The walls were actually glass and as I went closer and looked out, I saw a large swimming pool. I had to try it out tomorrow.

I left the room and continued the way he came from. It was a long walk before I popped into the kitchen. Everything in this place was either too expensive or too decorative. The kitchen was a master piece. From the marble tiled floor to the designs of everything else. Maybe one day I'll purchase my own penthouse.

One day.


It was after six in the night when I woke up. After spending hours touring the place, I went back to my room, laid down and before you know it I fell asleep. I took some clothes from my suitcase along with my towel before going into the bathroom. I smiled as I admired how decent it was. I opened the cabinet and saw different types of body wash and other items. I had to have a soak with them before I leave ; a long and relaxing one.

I spent about five minutes in the shower before I came out and wrapped a towel around my body. I left the bathroom and pulled on some simple clothes which are super comfy. I can never sleep in long pants, skirts or dresses. I had to wear something soft and short unless my body won't feel as if it's getting enough air.

After drying my hair I left the room and make my way downstairs. I had to walk for a while before I finally reached the kitchen where Mordechai and Margaret was. His eyes met mine for a few seconds before they were averted back to his dinner.

"Ah, you're finally here. Come, I've made some pasta", Margaret said with a smile as I went and sat around the huge glass table. A plate was placed infront of me containing mouth watering pasta with cheese and minced chicken.

I thanked her before digging in. I looked up at Mordechai who's eyes were already on me. I didn't held his gaze instead I took a magazine from the table and started to look through it. I wasn't in the mood to challenge him tonight.

"I want you up and ready by seven tomorrow, after I carry to deliver the letter I have to take you back here", Mordechai said as I finally looked at him. I looked closer at his face and noticed how red his cheeks were. What was happening?.

"Did you hear what I just said?".

"Yes", I replied but I didn't stop staring at him. His cheeks were red and I was wondering why. Was he blushing?...It couldn't be ; unless it was something on his phone.

That had to be it.

"I'm going to bed, you should do the same and get some rest", he said as he got up and Margaret took up the plate. I got a full view of his body and saw that he was wearing a knee length shorts. I placed a hand over my mouth to stop my laughing but I couldn't contain it.

"What is it?", he asked confusingly when he saw that I was dying from laughter. I only stopped when I noticed how serious his face was getting.

"Umm, nothing really it's just...I didn't think you were the shorts guy. You just looks so weird and different. You look comfy", I replied with a shrug as I bit my lower lip. Maybe I shouldn't have said anything. I looked to where Margaret was and realize that she had somehow disappeared from the kitchen.

"I didn't realize you were eyeing my clothes like that".

"That's not -

"Your eyes seems to be travelling further than they should Vanessa".

By this time he was already bent over the table and his face was only a few inches from mine. His eyes sunk as he tried to intimidate me. I watched as his hand reached out and went into my hair. I remained as still as a tree as I wondered what he was about to do.


I looked up at him as he started rubbing my head. His face was serious but not as unpleasant as before. It was quite hard to read actually. I didn't know what happened but next thing I felt his hand tapping on my head.

"Get some rest".

That was all he said before leaving the kitchen. He had just called my name but it was deep and raspy. Almost...I wasn't going to say that word. I shrugged it off despite the nagging at the back of mind and went to place my plate in the sink.

I left the kitchen after and made my way back to my room.


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