Mafia Pt. 2

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Long! 3710 words!

Warning: Cussing, abuse, and gun usage.

You both have put up your outfits for tomorrow. This place would last at least 2 days before they find you. You had taken a shower and gave some clothes to Sebastain. You found a big big grey Gucci sweater and a pair of black sweat pants that would fit him. Which did.

You were sitting in your room going over the plan. It was currently 2am. You usually don't sleep until around 5am. Which usually leaves you 3 hours before you get up again. Blaze was laying down next to you sleeping while you and a flashlight to the papers and a pen in your mouth.

"We go through the side and enter the side doors. If we make it past the guards near E.R. we'd be in the office. Get to the office and past the cameras, goal is to retrieve his files and redirect the message. So we both don't die." You rolled your eyes at the last part as you wrote down the plan.

You didn't want to go back. But, a save for a save is what it is. You couldn't just leave him to survive on his own while a whole gang is chasing him. You laid back on the bed as you thought about how to get past the members who gaurd the whole place. There was traps, triggers, lasers, and a whole lot of floors to get past. You sighed as you got up and went to the kitchen. Blaze woke up to the sound of you opening the fridge and followed you.

You grabbed a beer as you drank it and threw the bottle away. You were going back into your room when you saw a figure out the corner of your eyes. You slowly and quietly walked over to it as it reached out and grabbed your arm. It spun you around as it's hand covered your mouth. You tried to scream but it was muffled. You tried to bite it but you couldn't. Whoever this was- they were good enough to beat you.

"So. Planning to attack huh?"

That voice was familiar. Really familiar. You tried to talk but yet again, your voice was muffled. Blaze left and went into Mackies room as you suspected Sebastain was dead sleep.

"No. I'm not letting you speak. Not after that mutt bit me. I'm warning you, you come back and there will be hell to pay. I know father wouldn't like that much, besides I'm helping you." He whispered.

You tried to elbow him, kick him, anything. But, his grip was tight. He wasn't letting go. Then, your mind immediately went to the word "Father". The only other person, blood to the Mafia Boss, was your brother. Tyler.

You tried moving again but this time his patience ran out. He jerked you back as he spun you around yet again and his hand was still covering your mouth.

"Shut up! Unless you want to end up as before, I suggest you listen to me. Father will kill you. And I will have the pleasure of watching that glorious moment-" He was cut off by you moving your head so his hand wasn't on your mouth.

"Mom would be ashamed of you right now. Still trying to impress dad, be his number one priority. Guess what Tyler? He doesn't give a shit about you or me or anyone! He wants us all dead!" You whispered as his eyes grew tired of your words.

"Shut the hell up before you end up like her! Dead! You will not come back. But please, be my guest." He said as he let you go and headed twords the door.

"I'll kill all of the people you know. Friends, "family", anyone and everyone who ever saw you." He laughed as he turned in his heel and opened the door.

Before he left, you took one of the knifes from off the table and threw it at him causing the blade to enter his leg. He yelled in pain which woke up everyone.

"Oops. Guess I missed." You bluffed.

"YOU BITCH!!!" He shouted taking out the knife from his leg and throwing at you.

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